JF Ptak Science Books Quick Post
I used fifteen minutes of my life to collect some of the most outrageous/anti-subtle subtle, non sequitur , and just plain odd pseudonyms used by the great Ambrose Bierce in his long and wide writing career, ending with him disappearing into a Mexican sunset in 1914 (or so). Many of them are taken from various iterations of The Devil's Dictionary. There are many others.
The partial list: Agb, Anita M. Bobe, Conmore Aple Brun, Bnashi Basouk, Oogum Bem, Hamin Benjarrison, Joel Ffrad Bink, A. Brute, Salder Bupp, Choggins, Clementina, Clericus, Purzil Crofe, Ambat Delaso, Arion Spurl Doke, Etcetera, Almira Faircheek, Booley Fito, Aramis Loto Frope, Bissel Gip, Boot Gish, Dod Grile, Hestiba, Jamrach Holobom, Gat Huckle, Ignotus, Infallible, An Insulted Giant, Jebel Jocordy, Little Johnny, Opoline Jones, A Mandarin of the Order of the Golden Teapot, Atla Mipo, Jupiter Muke, N.P. Nopput, Naramy Oof, Orm, Pludge, Phela Orm, Pylades Nupkins, Phrytz, Bogul S. Purvy, Jobo Rem, Doddington Pry, Samboles, Dr. John Satan, Dudley Spink, Statanella, J. Milton Sloluck, Theophilus Smallbeer, Venable Strigg, Sukker Uffro, Barlow Vode, and many others. Oh: and John Smith.