JF Ptak Science Books Post 2803 (Reference Tools Post)
Now HERE'S a wonderful and referenced and deep look at the history and future of electronics, and one that I believe is very overlooked. The article has the slightly opaque title of “Proceedings of the IRE Fiftieth Anniversary, 1912-1962” , which is the entire May issue for the journal, a double-brick of a book, weighing in at 6 pounds and running over 900 pages. It is a vast and compelling survey of the history and present state and future of electronics in general, boasting an authorship of leading lights across many different fields and encompassing 250 articles. (Some of the big names include: Terman, H.A. Wheeler, H. Olson, Gordon Teal, Presper Eckert, Zworykin, Simon Ramo, JR Pierce, Watson-Watt, Jerome Wiesner, Leo Beranek, Belevitch, Colin Cherry, Lee Lusted, Ronald “THE Antenna”) King, and many others. There's fantastic reporting on the present-day state of things, as well as dozens of provocative and very prescient overview of what the future may/will bring...and take.
I obviously can't reproduce the volume, and no one seems to have the whole thing online, but I can provide a mostly-cleaned-up OCR (please pardon some of the typos) of the three very packed pages of the table of contents of the issue—many of those individual articles can be found online. (If anyone wants the original of this work, I have it for sale in my bookstore.) Perhaps now that you know such articles exist and hadn't before, you may be able to put this list to some use.
Some interesting articles include: There Will Be No Electronics Industry in 2012 A.D., J. M. Bridges; Communications Throughout the Solar System, W. H. Pickering; The Information Science anti Industry Fifty Years Hence, Robert M. Bowie; Machines with Imagination, G. A. Morton; The Integration of Man and Machine, J. Presper Eckert, Jr; Man-Machine Coupling-2012 A.D., R. M. Page...well, you get the idea.
World Travel and Space Communication-2012 A.D., A Realistic Fantasy, Ernst Weber
- Space-2012, Lloyd V. Berknei
- Space Exploration, J. H. Dellinger
- Education in 2012 for Communication and Electronics, Frederick E. Terman
- Engineering Education-Circa 2012 A.D., W. L. Everitt
- A Day in the Life of a Student in the Year 2012 A.D., Maurice J. Ponte
- Fifty Years of Teaching Machines, Harold A. Zahl
- The Tools of the Engineer 2012 A.D., R. Bennett
- The Automatic Handbook, Nathaniel Rochester
- There Will Be No Electronics Industry in 2012 A.D., J. M. Bridges
- Radio Communication in 2012-An Obsolete Art, Dorman D. Israel
- Electromagnetics and Communications, Harold A. Wheeler
- Communication Spectra by the Wholesale-2012 A.D., Estill I. Green
- A Short History of Electromagnetic Communications, John W. Coltman
- The Spectrum Problem-Looking Back From 2012 A.D., E. A. Sack
- The Full Use of Wide-Band Communications, Sir Noel Ashbridge
- Wide-Band Communication into the Home, W. D. Lewis
- Communication and Navigation, Henri Busignies
- Communications and Electronics-2012 A.D., Peter C. Goldmark.
- Communications Throughout the Solar System, W. H. Pickering.
- Human Factors in Communications, Albert G. Hill
- Multilingual Communication, Yasujiro Niwa
- Language, Words and Symbols, Harold A. Wheeler
- Processing of Sound, Harry F. Olson
- Music and Sound Reproduction-2012 A.D., Benjamin B. Bauer.
- Functional Components and Integrated Circuits, J. A. Morton.
- Extreme Developments of Solid-State Circuitry, Harper
- North The Role of Materials in the Electronics World of 2012 A.D., Gordon K. Teal
- Information and IRE-1912/2012 A.D., Donald G. Fink
- The Information Science anti Industry Fifty Years Hence, Robert M. Bowie
- Information Storage and Retrieval, Urner, Liddel.
- Machines with Imagination, G. A. Morton
- The Integration of Man and Machine, J. Presper Eckert, Jr
- Man-Machine Coupling-2012 A.D., R. M. Page
- The Basis of the Measurement System, A. V. Astin
- The Role of Basic Research in Communications and Electronics, E. R. Pior
- Electronic Mastery of Ships Controls-2012 A.D., R. Bennett
- The Potential of Progress: An Optimistic View, C. G. Suits
- Man's Future in Space, John C. Fisher
- Computers and Computer-Like Systems, P. M. Lewis II
- Novel Electronic Circuitry, George D. Watkins
- Electron Devices for Power Generation in 2012 A.D., V. C. Wilson
- Computers of the Future, P. J. van Heerden
- Some Thoughts on the State of the Technical Science in 2012 A.D., Franz Tank
- Our State of Mind in 2012 A.D., George L. Hallerr
- The Use of Electronic Computers in the Social Sciences, Irving Wolff.
- The Biomorphic Development of Electronics, Marcel J. E. Golav.
- Electronics and Health Care, V. K. Zworykin................
- Electronic Instrumentation in Biophysics, Harold A. Wheeler
- Diagnostics, Urner Liddel
- Bio-Medical Electronics-2012 A.D., Lee B. Lusted
- Electronic Spectro-Analysis of Chemical Compounds, Henri Busignies Magnetic Recording and Reproduction-2012 A.D., Marvin Camras Extending Man's Intellect by Electronics, Simon Ramo
- Communication as an Alternative to Travel, J. R. Pierce
- Controlling Man's Environment, Harold A. Wheeler
- Public Functions and Standing of the Engineer, C. F. Horne
- Electrons and Elections, Sir Robert Watson-Watt
- Electronic Nirvana, Daniel E. Noble\
- Electronics and Evolution, Jerome B. Wiesner
- Fifty Years in Aeronautical Navigational Electronics, Vernon I. W eihe
- The Air Traffic Control Equipment Subsystem-Present and Future, P. C. Sandretto
- Space Navigation, A lIon B. Moody
- Early History of tile Antennas and Propagation Field Until the End of World War I, Part I-Antennas, P. S. Carter and H. H. Beverage
- The History of Radio Wave Propagation Up to the End of World War I, Charles R. Burrows
- Growth of the Antennas and Propagation Field Between World War I and World War II, Part I-Antennas, L. J. Chu
- Radio-Wave Propagation Between World Wars I and II, Stephen S. Atwood
- Contributions of the Antennas Field During World War II, L. C. Van Atta and S. Silver
- Radio-Wave Propagation During WWII, Kenneth A. Norton
- Advances in tile Field of Antennas and Propagation Since World War Il: Part I Antennas, E. C. Jordan and R. W. P. King...
- Radio Propagation Following World War If, Laurence A. Manning
- Future of Antennas, M. D. Adcock, R. E. Hiatt and K. M. Siegel
- Future of Propagation Research and Development, Henry C. Booker
- A Century of Microphones, B. B. Bauer
- Loudspeakers, Harry F. Olson
- Disk Recording and Reproduction W. S. Bachman, B. B. Bauer and P. C. Goldmark
- Film Recording and Reproduction, M. C. Balsel and G. L. Dimmick
- Current Problems in Magnetic Recording, Marvin Camras
- Electroacotistic Measuring Equipment and Techniques, Leo L. Beranek
- Speech Communication Systems, Winston E. Kock.
- The History of Stereophonic Sound Reproduction, John K. Hilliard
- Review of Control Developments, John G. Truxal
- Automatic Control and Electronics, Harold Chestnut
- BROADCAST AND TELEVISION RECEIVERS The Development of the Art of Radio Receiving from the Early 1920's to the Present, William 0. Swinyard.
- A Half Century of Television Reception, F. J. Bingley
- The Impact of Receiving Tubes on Broadcast and TV Receivers, E. W. Herold
- AM and FM Broadcasting, Raymond F. Guyy
- Television Broadcasting, Charles H. Owen
- Frequency Allocations for Broadcasting, George R. Town
- The Technology of Television Program Production and Recording, John W. Went worth
- Broadcasting Developments Now Taking Place, O)scar Reed, Jr..
- Summary of the History of Circuit Theory, V. Bewitch.
- From Circuit Theory to System Theory, L. A. Cadenza
- Academic and Theoretical Aspects of Circuit Theory, Ronald M. Foster
- Teaching of Circuit Theory and Its Impact on Otter D)disciplines, E. A. Guillemin
- Antennas and Transmission Lines, Harold H. Beverage
- Radio Receivers-Past and Present, Christopher Buff
- The Compatible Technologies of Wire and Radio, Ivan S. Coggeshall
- Modulation Methods, Raymond A. Heising Transmitters, James 0. Weldon T
- Microwave Comunications, Joseph H. Vogelman
- Historical Development of Component Parts Field, J. T. Brothers
- Resistors-A Survey of the Evolution of the Field, Jesse Marsten
- Capacitors, Leon Podolsky
- Piezoelectric Effect and Applications in Electrical Communication, Virgil E. Bottom
- Relays and Switches, A. C. Keller
- Transformers, Inductors and Filters, Harold W. Lord
- Printed Circuits and Microelectronics, S. F. Danko
- Electronic Materials, 1912-1962, Preston Robinson
- Future of the Component Parts Field, P. S. Darnell
- Electrical Engineering
- Education Today, Frederick Emmons Terman
- Future Trends in Electrical Engineering Education, J. D. Rvder.
- Graduate Study in Electrical Engineering, Ernst Weber.
- Recent Developments in Space-Charge Control Tubes, Karl R. Spangenberg
- Tile Development of Gas Discharge Tubes, J. D. Cobine........ History of the Microwave-Tube Art, J. R. Pierce
- Current European Developments in Microwave Tubes, A. H. WV Beck
- Beam-Deflection and Plhoto Devices, K. Schlesinger and F. G. Ramberg
- Semiconductor Devices, J. M. Early.
- Solid-State Devices Other than Semiconductors, B. Lax and J. G. Mavroides
- Contributions of Materials Technology to Semiconductor Devices, Richard L. Petritz ..
- The Evolution of Computing Machines and Systems, R. Serrell, M. M. Astrahan, G. W. Patterson and I. B. Pyne
- The Evolution of Concepts and Languages of Computing, R. D. Elbourn and W. H. Ware
- Development in High-Speed Switching Elements, Arthur W. Lo.
- New Concepts in Computing System Design, Gene M. Amdahl
- The Impact of Hybrid Analog-Digital Techniques on the Analog-Computer Art, Granino A. Korn
- Mass Storage, A. S. Hoagland.
- Eyes and Ears for Computers, E. E. David, Jr. and 0. G. Selfridge
- The Art of Engineering Management, Hector R. Skifter
- Growth and Importance of Engineering Publication, Keith Henney Communication: A Responsibility and A Challenge, Eleanor M. McElwee
- Human Factors in Electronics-Historical Sketch, Henry P. Birmingham
- The Man-Machine System Concept, D. T. McRuer and E. S. Krendel
- Communication Between Man and Machine, J. E. Karlan and S. N. Alexander
- Early History of Industrial Electronics, W. C. White
- Industrial Electronic Developments in the Last Two Decades and a Glimpse into the Future, Walther Richter
- On Communication Before the Days of Radio, Colin Cherry.
- Noise and Random Processes, J. R. Ragazzini and S. S. L. Chang
- Information Theory, B. McMillan and D. Slepian
- Frequency and Time Standards, L. Essen
- The Measuring Devices of Electronics, D. B. Sinclair.
- Digital Display of Measurements in Instrumentation, B. M. Oliver
- History of Bio-Medical Electronics Art, J. F. Herrick
- Electronics in Clinical Research, R. Stuart Mackay
- Data Handling, Computers and Diagnosis, Lee B. Lusted.
- Education for Engineers in Bio-Medical Research, Samuel A. Talbot
- Survey and History of the Progress of the Microwave Arts, George C. Southworth.
- Microwave Measurements, Harold A. Wheeler
- The Future of Microwave Communications, S. E. Miller
- Spanning the Microwave Infrared Gap, Paul D. Coleman
- Microwave Interaction with Matter, M. L. Stitch
- The Early History of Radar, R. M. Page
- The Impact of Missiles and Space on Electronics, Simon Ramo.
- A Summary of Military Communication in the United States1860 to 1962, J. D. O'Connell, A. L. Pachynski and L. S. Howeth
- Achievements and Prospects of Artificial Earth Satellites, S. F. Singer
- The Instrumentation and Control Circuits of Nuclear Reactors, E. H. Cooke- Yarborough .
- Nuclear Radiation Detectors, G. A. Morton...
- Nuclear Reactor Plant Kinetics and Control, M. A. Schultz and J. N. Grace
- Energy Conversion Techniques, K. G. Hernqvist.
- The Influence of Product Design on Radio Progress, R. R. Batcher and A. R. Gray
- Evolution of Regulatory Standards of Interference, E. W. Allen, Jr. and H. Garlan
- Radio Frequency Interference Measurements and Standards, Harold E. Dinger
- Analysis and Prediction of Interference Factors and Their Impact on the Future, R. M. Showers
- The Reliability and Quality Control Field from Its Inception to the Present, Clifford M. Ryerson
- Milestones in Development of Electronics for Remote Measurement and Control, Conrad H. Hoeppner.
- Electronics in Planning Space Flights, Ernst Stuhlinger
- Data Processing and Information Transmission for Space, Elliot L. Gruenberg.
- Trends in Space Navigation, K. N. Satyendra
- Uses of Ultrasonics in Radio, Radar and Sonar Systems, Warren P. Mason.
- Ultrasonics in Industry, Frank Massa
- Present and Future Applications of Ultrasonics in Biomedicine, William J. Fry
- The History of Land-Mobile Radio Communications, Daniel E. Noble
- Future Developments in Vehicular Communications, Austin Bailey