JF Ptak Science Books Quick Post
Here's a very provocative piece of design meant to equate death and communism--and in that there is no question. Sowjet-Rußlands wahres Gesicht, aus eigener Anschauung und Erfahrung geschildert von drei einst begeisterten Kommunisten, ("The Real Face of Communism, as Told from the Personal Experiences and Intuition of Three Once-Enthusiastic Communists") was written by Friedrich Oskar Kloetzner in 1919 in the bad days of early social struggle that led to the bad days of middle and later struggle and then Apocalypse. Here, in 1919, just after the end of the war, the great supposed golem was Communism--that would of course morph and change and accommodate other fears and hatred, but for now, there were things needed to fill the vacuum left by defeat and the coming of a bad peace, and the Communists served to fill at least one of the many niches to come.
The pamphlet measures 7x5", and is paginated 223-256. Provenance: Library of Congress. This has a funny record in WorldCat—there seem to be 21 results in the search on this title, though this looks like a cataloging error--for all of the different “references” there are only eight libraries locating copies of this pamphlet, with half of those in Europe.)