JF Ptak Science Books Post 2718
Čtyři léta války v mapách ("Four Years of War...in Maps"), published in London, ca. 1942, is a curious, Czech-exile publication telling the story of the rise and fall of Nazi Germany in maps. The culminating interest though shows the Nazis surrounded, and put to the final test--it is the first map I list, below, even though it was about the last map in the pamphlet. The "Ein Volk, Ein Reich..." map (the last map shown below), is a Nazi propaganda piece, reproduced here no doubt to show the audacity and hubris of the Nazi state, shows them with a vast territory, including Great Britain and the Soviet Union. I can't recall having seen such a map depicting Great Britain as a captured entity.)
[The pamphlet is 9"x 6" and 35pp, with printed wrappers. It is a rare thing, this pamphlet, and it does not show up in the usual places. There are only seven copies located in the WorldCat/OCLC, all in top-notch libraries: NYPL, Yale, Harvard, Harvard Law, UC Berkeley, Oxford, and Nanterre.]
And the vision of the future, taken from a German design (poster? illustration?) showing the advance of the making of Greater Germany, showing countries conquered through 1940 and then countries that would be conquered, including the Soviet Union (which was to be taken in 1941) and also an occupied Great Britain, though no date is given for that.