JF Ptak Science Books Quick Post
Some time ago I wrote a post on the origins of some scientific words, just to see how long they have been around--some are well-known in their newness (like "scientist" coming along in 1834, 1 anonymously referenced in the Quarterly Review, volume 51, page 59), others not so.
And so when an interesting word relating to artificial intelligence appeared I wondered when AI itself did (J. McCarthy 1955 and then Marvin Minsky 1956)...which led to the question of how old the term "computer science" is, and so on. Not wanting to spend more than a half hour on this I decided to establish the Oxford English Dictionary as the baseline for earliness in the first (or at least very early) appearances in English of these words and let it go at that. So here's the list, a quick shake-and-bake on the early origins of some standard and not-so-standard words in computer science.
A footnote here is that 10 of the 38 words here appear during the life of Charles Babbage (whose eye are posted above).
1. The word is provided to us in the text of an article on Mary Somerville by William Whewell who references the word "scientist" coming from "a gentleman" who was I guess himself; he uses the word under his own name in 1840.
Computer Science. 1956 N.Y. Times 28 Oct. iii. 21 (advt.) "Unparalleled opportunities to associate with the prominent pioneers of computer science, at outstanding salaries. Electronic engineers (circuit designers and magnetics engineers), logical designers, [etc.]."
Computer programming: 1952 Proc. ACM National Meeting (Toronto) 20/1 "In fact three principles should apply to computer programming and operation in general, and not just to code checking." This was followed by “computer programmer” after three years.
- And so:
computationalism, n.1979
computationalist, n....1956
computatist, n.1611
computative, adj.a1538
computator, n.1591
compute, n.1483
compute, v.1579
computed, adj.1680
computer, n.1613
computeracy, n.1969
computerate, adj.1981
computerese, n.1960
computeresque, adj.1978
computer game, n.1955
computer graphic, n.1963
computer-graphic, adj.1965
computerist, n.1964
computeritis, n.1965
computerization, n.1958
computernik, n.1966
computerology, n.1964
computerphile, n.1967
computerphobe, n.1974
computer phobia, n.1972
computer-phobic, n. ...1983
computer program, n.1947
computer programmer, n.1955
computer programming...1952
computer science, n.1956
computer scientist, n.1957
computer-speak, n.1968
computer virus, n.1984
computery, n.1960
computery, adj.1965
computing, n.1629
computist, n.a1398
computistic, adj.1847
computistical, adj. 1895