JF Ptak Science Books Quick Post
There is much that goes on in the pre-eminent German physics journal Annalen der Physik (begun in 1799 and still going strong) beyond the consideration of "Found Art"--actually, everything that goes on there is beyond that consideration. Unless of course you happen to be flipping through the thing and find something that attracts your attention for its pure artistic inventiveness, which of course is almost entirely out of context. The article in question is Otto Lehmann's "Die Struktur schleimig-kristallinscher Flussigeiten", and appeared in the journal in October 1915. (It would be in the Annalen months later that Einstein would publish his great paper on General Relativity theory and also there where he set the world afire in 1905.) Lehmann's 45-page paper is illustrated with 92 figures, some of which are out-of-context stand-alone beauties: