JF Ptak Science Books Quick Post
Dr. C. Sterling Cooly wrote an incredibly-titled pamphlet of slim means called Should Insanity be Cured? How could anyone proceed further than this? Dr. Cooley wasn’t a eugenic apologist, nor was he an accountant for a life insurance firm—he was advocating a drugless cure for all different sorts of “insanity”, which was a term he doesn’t really stop to identify and classify, which of course is deeply problematic.
Or it is so until you hear how one can treat the insane via his new drugless method: chiropractic. I didn’t see that one coming. “An insane mind is a sick brain, a sick body is an insane body” writes Dr. Cooley with leading confidence, claiming that chiropractic can release “the power within…marvels of healing are performed not only in mental cases but in virtually ALL forms of disease”. That’s a lot to live up to in theory, let alone in practice.
Dr. Cooley was evidently a deeply important founder father of modern chiropractic, with a 50 year career in the area (1908-1957), and who was also very prolific--this is one work that he probably should've edited out of the publishing phase.