JF Ptak Science Books
This is a quick follow-up to an earlier Found Book Art found in another pamphlet by Dorothy Dix. (Dorothea L(ynde) Dix (1802-1887) was an nurse and ultratrian, a very-much-practiced humanitarian who for years fought for the stabilized and just treatment of people with disabilities, mainly and for extended periods of time and travel for those suffering from mental diseases and development. Read more here http://longstreet.typepad.com/thesciencebookstore/2014/07/dorothea-dixs-report-on-the-state-of-the-indigent-insane-in-the-us-1848.html)
The present Dix pamphlet has another perfect little in the string used to bind the pamphlet together tie:
[Source: DIX, Dorothy L.Fifth Letter to Convicts in State Prisons and Houses of Correction, or County Penitentiaries. “Printed but not published”, November 1950. 18.5x12 cm, 24pp. Provenance: Smithsonian Institution (with their small oval rubberstamp), and the Library of Congress (with their surplus duplicate stamp on back page).]