JF Ptak Science Books Post 2572
I've found another example of map/propaganda display of the-threat-against-Germany in the between-the-wars period, this one published in a very popular historical atlas by F.W. Putzger (Putzgers historischer Schul-atlas). The find comes in the fabulous "Persuasive Maps" collection of P.J. Mode (and housed and presented now at Cornell University, the source for the detail above and the originating image below) and supplements some earlier posts I've made to this blog on perceived and imaginary air and ground threats to Hitler's Germany. These images no doubt gave pause to their viewers, driving home at least the need for building up "defensive" military responses to the threats posed to Germany. In the top image the possible invaders of Germany are shown only in terms of airpower, depicting the range of the bombers and their country of origin, as well as the major cities that could be affected by such sorties. No doubt the intent was to riddle Germany with as many red lines as possible, creating a morass of invasion and destruction possibilities, so much so that you have to look with a little discernment to see the city names under the limit lines. It is a strong message, especially considering that in this case at least the audience was upper-level school children, and given that it appeared in an historical atlas the image was given that much more credibility and further entrenched a duck-and-cover mentality in its young viewers.
[Image source: P.J. Mode Colelction at Cornell University, https://digital.library.cornell.edu/?page=18&q=persuasive&search_field=all_fields&utf8=%E2%9C%93&view=gallery]
As I said this map is a good supplement to other similar efforts that have appeared in this blog. For example, in continuing the heavy-lines-obliterating-Germany design is this earlier (1933) map showing the range of the air force of Czechoslovakia:
[See http://longstreet.typepad.com/thesciencebookstore/2010/10/nazi-propaganda-germany-surrounded-1933.html]
And this fantastic effort ("The Iron Ring Around Germany") showing the general possibilities of general attack against Germany:
[See http://longstreet.typepad.com/thesciencebookstore/2010/10/nazi-propaganda-germany-surrounded-1933.html]
Nothing quite rallies people to your side as the unifying response to a perceived national threat