JF Ptak Science Books Post 2574
"L’histoire de la science du XXe siècle n’a pas retenu le nom de Jean Perdrizet" is the lovely opening remark on a terrestrial-based sidereus nuncius/sidereal messenger post--that the name of the Art Brut/Out Brut inventor, Jean Perdrizet, has not been remembered as part of the history of science of the 20th century. And of course there is really no scientific reason for the basis of this memory to be formed, as M. Perdrizet is thinking well outside the confines of the generative envelope, making drawings of interesting and fantastic things, like the forceful Selenite Adam/Adam-of-the-Moon/Cosmologonaut.
I guess it is interesting to note that the first half of his name uses the word "perdre" and/or "perdu", which translated is "lose/lost", though I think this only has some extended application to his effect on the sciences rather than his art. Perdrizet (1904-1975) did stay in contact with scientific agencies (like NASA) throughout his career, though they did not stay in contact with him. His work is beautiful in its way and begs to be investigated closely--any time an artwork can accomplish that, then it has certainly succeeded.
- Source of opening quote and image: http://www.officiel-galeries-musees.com/galerie/galerie-christian-berst/exposition/jean-perdrizet
There are of course scientific elements in the Perdrizet works that are correct--and it is tempting to use the word "but" here--though the artist decided to transcend the confines of the sciences in pursuit of something more, well, interesting. Perdrizet's educational and limited vocational background in civil engineering forms more of a springboard than a foundation for the flow of his ideas.
Here's another example of Perdrizet's work (there's a lot more all over the interwebs), a machine to "communicate with the beyond", to "capture the invisible" as the writer of the Savatier blog eloquently states:
[Image source: Savatier blog, here: Savatier ]
Apparently Perdrizet made blueprints for conducting communication with the spirit world--but so did Thomas Edison, or so he said. Edison's statement on his 'invention" was made in drollery and his own brand of 'fun"; perhaps Perdrizet did so, too.
A good podcast by Susan Owensby on RFI on Perdrizet: http://www.english.rfi.fr/culture/20120212-jean-perdrizet-s-fantastic-machines
And this interesting video: