JF Ptak Science Books Quick Post
Years go when this photograph was first made the vast majority of women who were having their hair cut not-at-home went to barber shops, with their hair cut by men--so explaining the "see the barber" part of this style menu in the window of a chop shop. Unfortunately I do not have the reference for the photograph--the image I am working with is from a newly-found set of photographs I made years ago copying FSA photographs from the mid-1930's found at the Prints & Photographs Division at the Library of Congress. Of the 20 style cuts 16 were "Bobs" of one sort or another, including the beguiling "Ultra-mannish Bob"...
And the special style for bell-ringers: Plain Bob Maximus.
Posted by: Ray Girvan | 30 December 2014 at 03:46 PM