JF Ptak Science Books Quick Post
I was performing a little forensic test on a sheet of book design elements and noticed this little fella in the corner--it is only about 1"x2" and the motto is a little difficult to read, but segregated and brightened up a little it reads loud and clear. "Das man schreibt das beleibt", or "the one who writes, remains" or more simply and carrying things to their logical conclusion, "the writing remains". (It is similar to the proverb "Wer schreibt, der belibt" which is something along the lines of "Who writes, remains".) [Source: Decorative Vorbilder eine Sammlung von Figurlichen Darstellungen... fuer Zeichner, Maler, Graphische Kuenstler, published in Stuttgart, 1897, volume II.)
And then there is this, to, well contradict the writing verdict? Another very small bit from the same series. This one says "Erinnerung bleibt/Ewig Jung", which is something like "Memory Remains Forever Young", which could alsdo be interpreted as memory/never/aging, which would place it alongside the above, except that it makes its statement regarding memory, which does not explicitly include writing it down. And of course we assume with the top motto that the writer remains with the writing somehow, though really for the most part all they are at the end of it all is a name. So the two are either very similar or polar opposites--take your pick.