JF Ptak Science Books Quick Post
I was very excited when I bumped into this notation for Christoph Weigel's (1654-1725) "der Pfeiffenmacher" (the Wind Instrument Maker)! I hurriedly thought as I went to click on the link for the image what sort of instruments or tools were being made to make use of the wind in 1700? Better yet maybe--what was being built for wind protection? And then as quickly as it started the speculation stopped--it was for a wind instrument maker, a maker of wind instruments, musical instruments. Of course it is a beautiful engraving (after a design by Caspar Luyken, 1672-1708) but it was just a little disappointing not to see a collection of scientific instruments or engineering/architectural bits rather than an assortment of musical ones. (This is from the Library of Congress and the notes in the description identifies the instruments so: Bassoon, Shawm, Curtal, Cornett, Recorder, Oboe.)
[Image source: Library of Congress, here]