JF Ptak Science Books Quick Post
It is interesting that a reporting agency like Poor's Industry Service would have such a provocative cover illustration when reporting on the not-so-good economic news of 1932.
Poor's presented the city of the future as the standard banner for their report on the motion picture industry. The city is massive, a portrait of concrete masses, especially seen in the dam or terminal in the immediate background, and also in the assembly of conical buildings at rear right. Very impressive, especially considering it was the fourth year of the Depression.
Their report on the film industry was crisp and fairly bitter, carrying on about risky behavior and out-and-out mismanagement, leading most of the studios into loses and the industry in general to a plunge in composite net earnings and common dividends--a poor year. In any even I was interested in the illustration, which seems an unlikely place to find such a severely International Style vision of the future.
And the full cover: