JF Ptak Science Books Post 2030
L'Eclairage, published by la Societe pour le Perfectionnement de l'Eclarage, was printed in 1937, and addressed the use and beauty of proper lighting. The photography is the work of Andre Vigneau, French photographer/film-maker/sculptor (1892-1968), who among many other things was one of the first to design photographic covers for books. This little pamphlet outlines the importance of lighting in photography--aside from that, though, its principal interest for this blog is the absurd/surreal nature of the photographs when taken away from the text and out of context. The image are unexpectedly interesting as cleaved-away photographic documents of unusual perspectives.
At first glance, the moon and the light bulb made me think of Flash Gordon.
Posted by: Jeff Donlan | 25 May 2013 at 03:52 PM
Maybe even more so in "real life", as the photos are reproduced on very thick, very glossy stock. Very sparky. Life the fireworks that came from the rockets. Flashy.
Posted by: John F. Ptak | 25 May 2013 at 04:06 PM