JF Ptak Science Books Post 1949
In my adventures in collecting antique art made by children, antique children making antique art, I found the following three letters. I'm hoping that by posting these lost letters to Santa that the dreams and sentiments they contain will somehow be at least read by Santa, and then perhaps even addressed in some way to another girl or boy, even if the requests come 120 years after they were made.
The first and perhaps most important of these letters is a beautiful little note, by a very young hand, written in 1924. It reads, simply:
"Thank you dear/ Santa Claus"
and addressed to "Mr. Santa Claws" at Chimny, R.I.". It may be that the child sent the letter to his own chimney for Santa to pick up on Christmas Eve.
Next, this illustrated letter, which was being around 1890/1900
"Dear Santa,
I want a sweter for my big baby doll.
The sleeves are to be eight in. long. The back is to be 8 in, and a half.
My Mother wants a table crumber. A silver crumber. I want a nurses dress and a cap. Dear Santa. I have out grown my golashers that is a nother thing I would I would like.
Good bye
From Martha."