JF Ptak Science Books Quick Post
As it turns out there was--in Real Life--a Fat Bank opened somewhere in our fair land, a fat bank made for people to store their own fat from surgical enhancement procedures that could be used sometime in the future to be used elsewhere in the depositors' bodies.
(I 'd like to open a bank for pronouns that are used to end sentences.)
And as it turns out I've written a few times on this blog about other Fat Matters, all of which are as truculent-friendly to reality as this Fat Bank thing, but less embarrassing. Here are most of them:
Fat Redux, Redux: Fat Bullets, 1945.
A Return to 1920's Fat: Fat Pill Scams and Strychnine
and of course the immortal Art Made of Fat (the full title of the pamphlet by Otto F. Fleiss being White Art in the Meat Food Business. A Practical Handbook for Butcher, Pork Stores, Restaurants, Hotels and Delicatessens on How to Make Lasting and Transferable White Art Decorations out of Bacon Fat Back for Window Displays, Ornaments on Meat Food Cold Buffets and for Exhibits and Advertising Purposes. Enrich yourself with Personal Knowledge. (NYC, 1941).