JF Ptak Science Books Quick Post
I'm going to have to keep this category open while other famous leaners pop into my head. For right now, presently, right at this moment, I've only a few, but I've managed to break the leaning category into two segments: leaning, without aid; leaning, with aid (or leaning against or on something). Also for completely arbitrary reasons I'm excluding entire genres of people who must necessarily find themselves leaning for one reason or another: speed skaters, sailboat racers, acrobats, gymnasts, yoga folks, speed bike racers, rollerderbyists, and people leaning away from the dead or some other font of pity, and so on. No Medieval or Renaissance anatomist drones "leaning" into their cadavers with sharp tools (as in Mondino's directing a dissection from the late 15th century), or the endless peasants leaning into their farm tools as they work or catch a quick nap in the images created by the Breughels, nor any series of Adams and Eves leaning hard into their bleak future after having accepted the bait that doomed humanity, leaning first towards and then away from the Great Fall. I just want relatively unexplained leaning, or leaning for the fun of it. And of course no leaning Towers of Pisa--and no lounging, as in the image of Man in the creation of man scene in the Sistene Chapel. And no half-body leaning, as with say the images of all of those portraits that were so beautifully done by Gerrit Dou, featuring his subjects playing with trompe l'oeil and perspective, leaning a bit out of windows, outwards towards the viewer, or kids blowing bubbles leaning against open windowsill (as in this from Frans van Mieris) or Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin, The Soap Bubble (1739).
I'm just looking for people leaning, for no good reason. (First up was Robert Oppenheimer leaning away from the not-understood General Leslie Groves.)
Wilbur (?) Wright, 1901:
Albert Einstein, California, 1935:
General Ulysses Grant, 1863:
Batman, 1966 (but seriously, Heath Ledger's Joker wound up doing a tremendous amount of leading in that movie):
And speaking of the leaning Joker, there's always Dr. Caligari, who lives in a leaning world:
I'd love to hear from others who might have suggestions for other leaning people!