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The Fine Print

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The color separation in those first 3 color photos is exceptional. The state of the art in color photography was still in-camera color separations using 3 cameras with RGB filters. But this style of color sep is distinctive to a lot of magazines I've seen from the 1930s. The photos all seem as if they are colorized B&W photos. Some guy had to painstakingly, manually, mask off each colored area in the photo and basically fill in halftone screens to mix the colors that eventually appeared as full color halftone-screened offset lithography. And he does this for four separate films, CMYK.

In other words, those colorful interiors were basically B&W photos with some darkroom guys who painted process colors onto it using halftone films. It must have been a terribly complex method. I have never been able to find out any details about how this process worked.

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