JF Ptak Science Books Post 1248
Yes, the heavens are made of circles, somewhat, especially if you were observing a three-dimensional figure in two-space, where all spheres are circles. But here we're making those observations the other way 'round. In any event, these are lovely images taken from a part of the history of astronomy images here in the bookstore--and I should say that they're all available for purchase from the store as well. But in the meantime, click away--you'll find that almost all are expandable and mine-able for design elements.
Distribution of the Nebulae, ca. 1860.
The Moon, ca. 1850.
The Solar System, 1804.
Mars, 1864.
Full Moon, 1836.
Solar System, ca. 1820.
Solar System, 1823.
Solar System, 1808.
Dimension of the planets in comarison to the Sun, 1850.
the Moon, ca. 1810.
the Solar System, ca. 1825.
Partial eclipse of the Moon, ca. 1860.
Total eclipse of the Sun, ca. 1860.
Saturn, ca. 1870.
Comparative cosmologies, ca. 1760.