JF Ptak Science Books Post 1175
I.m not sure what sent me scurrying around for images of artist's studios--iniitally I was looking to see what was on the walls of the artist's workspaces, but there were so many that it couldn't be done in my allotted time. For now I just want to simply post these images of 30 studios and continue later on as a page with more images and detail on the artists. For now, I've included images of the studios of Bacon, Bonheur, Bonard, Braque, Cezanne, Chagall, Derain, Chase, Friedrich, Kandinsky, Le Corbusier, Mondrian, Remington, Teixidor, Villon, and Vlaminck. (The majority of these images are drawn from Alexander Liberman's The Artist in his [sic] Studio, 1960; there's much of interest in that book, including vivid observations and descriptions.) The other, older, images are depictions of the generalized artist's workshop and studio. Enjoy.
Francis Bacon studio
Rosa Bonheur studio
Abraham Bosse, depiction of a studio.
Both, Andreas (depiction of a poor artist's studio)
Pierre Bonard studio
Chase, WIlliam Merritt (1895)
Coode, Peter. Ca. 1630 (Depiction of a studio)
Courbet (depiction of a studio)
Fabrittius, Barent 1655-60 (Depiction of a studio)
Kandinsky's studio
Le Corbusier studio
Pietro Longhi
Piet Mondrian
MUSSCHER, Michiel van (Depiction of an artist's studio)
Remington, Fredrick
Date :1638
Kapiton Selentsov, 1890
Jordi Teixidor
Jan van der Straet (Stradanus) Depiction of an artist's studio
Adriaen van Ostade (Dutch, 1610-1685), The Artist's Workshop,
Johannes Vermeer (Dutch, 1632-1675), Allegory of Painting (The Painter in His Studio),
Georgia O'Keefe and Frida Kahlo had very interesting studios as well. You might think about adding them in the later post.
Posted by: Jennylynnjasper | 24 October 2010 at 02:48 PM
Thanks Jenny. I may add to this yet, but I just ran out of time. I remember seeing pics of the O'Keefe (or at least of her paints) but I hadn't though of Frida. Thanks!
Posted by: John F. Ptak | 24 October 2010 at 03:43 PM