JF Ptak Science Books Post 1144
I’ve written several posts here about unrecognized unintentionally unrevolutionary unmodern art on this blog, bits of works on color theory or design or architecture or medicine where the resulting imaging looks very much like a piece of abstract or Dadaist or nonrepresntational art–only decades or centuries too early. This is an admittedly long-term project, backed-filled with intermittent finds. That’s just necessarily so–I just add this bits as I find them, and, hopefully, at the end of the road, there’ll be hundreds of nice examples.
Today’s entries include one image from a design book and two from mid-18th century works on electricity:
This image comes fro, Denham Ross' A Theory of Pure Design, Harmony Balance, Rhythm. published by Houghton Mifflin in 1907
And from Jacob Waitz's Abhandlung von der Elektricitat...(printed in 1745)
And from Wilhelm van Barneveld's Medizinische Elektrizitat (1787)
That first image reminds me a bit of the experimental dadaist film "Symphonie Diagonale" by Viking Eggeling.
Posted by: Charles | 21 September 2010 at 09:09 PM