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Paul Drye

I can think of two SF guns that are bigger, off-hand, though both are a bit weird and might not qualify in your mind.

Arthur C. Clarke wrote a short story where the lunar colonists made a "gun" by drilling down into the lunar mantle -- which he presumed at the time to be molten. It could accordingly shoot streams of molten rock at attacking space ships.

And still on the Moon, Robert Heinlein used large mass-drivers as railguns in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. I would imagine a lot of other SF writers have done the same.

If I wanted to find the biggest gun in SF, I'd probably start with E. E. Smith. The Lensman series started big and went on up to ridiculous and beyond. I wouldn't be surprised to find a whole planet or galaxy turned into a gun in his work.

John Ptak

Thanks for all of that--I really don't know much about modern sci-fi at all. I particularly like the EE SMith refs which I will check out.

John McKay

Something that I've always loved about the space cannon in The Shape of Tings to Come is that the gun has a sight at the end of the barrel. It's quite visible in the still.

One minor correction: the Paris gun was not built to attack the Maginot Line. The gun was dismantled after the 1918 Armistice. The Maginot line was an inter-war project and serious construction didn't begin until about 1929.


Thanks John McKay for the Paris Gun clarification/correction! I like the sight on the space cannon too.

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