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Not having ever been a student of the media and its tactics in that day, I can only guess their plan was not unlike the plan today, and every day I have noted over decades of observation. Magazine consumers locate their BUY button right next to their BE AFRAID button. The shoddy wiring in use in these systems make it very likely that pushing that fear button will trigger the BUY button at the same time.


Yeah, but not Steve Martin. Remember the scene in Roxanne in which he buys a paper from the machine, reads the headline and screams, and puts another coin in the machine so he can throw the paper back in.

John Ptak

RICK: I think the newspaper guys picked up the FEAR/buy thing from the Church People. It is one of the longest-lived ideas goin'. I think.

JEFF: never saw that movie. What about all those people that you see all over the place stooped/kneeling reading the top half of the newspaper in the dispenser machine and don't buy it? Maybe they're not scared enough.


John, those people who read the top half of the paper in the dispenser are afraid but cheap.


It's easy to relax in the recliner of history and wonder what all the fuss was about. The USA had just had its collective military a$$ handed to it at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines and there didn't seem to be anything that could really stop either Axis power. The outcome of the struggle between fascism and democracy was not clear at this point. WW II was not a gimme, even after we got involved. This result - maybe not this specific scenario, but this outcome - could easily have come to pass. That's why you should buy a poppy from those old guys and tell them thanks at the end of May every year.

John PTak

Calenti: I'm not sure what exactly is bothering you about this post. The point made was that the populist LIFE was trying to slap some sense into the mainline American noggin, which was evidently necessary as the war had already been on for most of the world for the past 26 months. And no doubt about it, 1942 was a very hard year, as was 1943. I've been of the opinion though that once the Manhattan Project was started there was no doubt about the end of the war. And no, I think it is not at all possible that there could've been an a-bomb arms race during the war as the physical limitations and the enormous amounts of energy and manpower necessary to produce the components of an atomic weapon were available *only* to the U.S. This is one of the major reasons why I think it was not possible for the U.S. to have been overcome, let alone "easily" coming to pass. [I am in no way saying that the US won the war on its own, obviously; this is just a quick, minor statement not meant to encompass a major argument.] Lastly I've never not said "thanks" to the old guys--my father's mother's six brothers all fought as did three other uncles, plus my wife's father and 5-bronze-starred step-father. They were those old guys, and what they did was never lost on me for one instant.

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