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Adolf Ehrt (1902-1973) was a twice-born Nazi who in 1935 let his 3-year membership in the party lapse so that he could do better work for Hitler from the “outside”. In short, and to skirt some very interesting detail (over which I really don’t have much expertise), Ehrt felt that there was too much influence from the Church and government sources to fuel his unrequited need for purity in the party.
Ehrt wrote this anti-Communist propaganda (Der Weltbolschewismus ein internationales
Gemeinschaftswerk über die bolschewistische Wühlarbeit und die Umsturtzversuche
der Komitern in allen Ländern) from an imaginary perch in something called
the Anti-Kominetern, but was really nothing more than an arm of the Nazi party. Appearing in
(Clickable/expandable image)
Ehrt was a Nazi painting with broad historical/Nazi strokes
across a Communist canvas, and did get a lot of stuff right in his attacks; but
considering the source his book is useless except for its pictures. The
The map, rare as it is in appearance and sentiment, seriously underestimated the extent of the barbaric Soviet existence of the time.
1. “One can find more epithets in praise of this
article than Turgenev once
assembled to praise the Russian language,
or Nekrasov to
praise Mother Russia: great, powerful, abundant, highly ramified, multiform,
wide sweeping 58, which summed up the world not so much through the exact terms
of its sections as in their extended diacritical interpretation. Who among us has not experienced its
all-encompassing embrace? In all Truth, there is no step, thought, action, or
lack of action under the heavens which could not be punished by the heavy hand
of Article 58” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,
The Gulag Archipelago
2. NKVD Order no. 00447, 1937, directed against
and other "anti-Soviet elements" (such as former officials of the Tsarist regime,
former members of political parties other than the communist party, etc.) See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Purge Generally, any unfriendly could be uprooted and shot or sent off to Siberia. . The operative made it easy for local justice
units to identify trouble makers and shoot them.