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Jean Puget de la Serre, The Mirrour Which
Flatters Not, 1639.
Following up on yesterday’s post on lethal number
(in Japan
I’d like to focus on self-deception, the welcoming of not
knowing something, of not wanting to know, of stopping: of doing nothing in the face of something needing to be done.
The destruction of the Jewish people during World War II is a history with many
bearings, a complex of actions that seem to have been both elusively
unstoppable and eminently addressable. The psychology of why this
occurred is forensically comprehensible; the ultimate question, after
everything is said and done, is why the extermination was allowed to continue
for years on end. There is a considerable catalog of demons of nonactions and deceits
that I just can’t address now in a short post like this. Though I would like to
know why was it so difficult/impossible for the British government (and in
particular, Anthony Eden)
to allow Palestine
Henry Morgenthau (1891-1967), an old-line politician, was
secretary of the treasury under Roosevelt
"I am convinced on the basis of the information which is available to me that
certain officials in our State Department, which is charged with carrying out
this policy, have been guilty not only of gross procrastination and wilful
failure to act, but even of wilful attempts to prevent action from being taken
to rescue Jews from Hitler.
"I fully recognize the graveness of this statement and I make it only after
having most carefully weighed the shocking facts which have come to my
attention during the last several months.”
The full document is reproduced below.
"Report to the Secretary on the Acquiescence of this
Government in the Murder of the Jews”
One of the greatest crimes in history, the slaughter of the
Jewish people in Europe
This Government has for a long time maintained that its policy is to work out
programs to serve those Jews of Europe who could be saved.
I am convinced on the basis of the information which is available to me that
certain officials in our State Department, which is charged with carrying out
this policy, have been guilty not only of gross procrastination and wilful
failure to act, but even of wilful attempts to prevent action from being taken
to rescue Jews from Hitler.
I fully recognize the graveness of this statement and I make it only after
having most carefully weighed the shocking facts which have come to my
attention during the last several months.
Unless remedial steps of a drastic nature are taken, and taken immediately, I
am certain that no effective action will be taken by this government to prevent
the complete extermination of the Jews in German controlled Europe, and that
this Government will have to share for all time responsibility for this
The tragic history of the Government's handling of this matter reveals that
certain State Department officials are guilty of the following:
(1) They have not only failed to use the Governmental machinery at their
disposal to rescue Jews from Hitler, but have even gone so far as to use this
Government machinery to prevent the rescue of these Jews.
(2) They have not only failed to cooperate with private organizations in the
efforts of these organizations to work out individual programs of their own,
but have taken steps designed to prevent these programs from being put into
(3) They not only have failed to facilitate the obtaining of information
concerning Hitler's plans to exterminate the Jews of Europe but in their
official capacity have gone so far as to surreptitiously attempt to stop the
obtaining of information concerning the murder of the Jewish population of
(4) The have tried to cover up their guilt by:
(a) concealment and misrepresentation;
(b) the giving of false and misleading explanations for their failures to
act and their attempts to prevent action; and
(c) the issuance of false and misleading
statements concerning the "action" which they have taken to date. United
Although only part of the facts relating to the activities of the State
Department in this field are available to us, sufficient facts have come to my
attention from various sources during the last several months to fully support
the conclusions at which I have arrived.
(1) State Department officials have not only failed to use the Governmental
machinery at their disposal to rescue the Jews from Hitler, but have even gone
so far as to use this Governmental machinery to prevent the rescue of these
The public record, let alone the facts which have not as yet been made pubic,
reveals the gross procrastination and wilful failure to act of those officials
actively representing this Government in this field.
(a) A long time has passed since it became clear that Hitler was determined to
carry out a policy of exterminating the Jews in Europe
(b) Over a year has elapsed since this Government and other members of the
United Nations publicly acknowledged and denounced this policy of
extermination; and since the President gave assurances that the United States
(c) Despite the fact that time is most precious in this matter, State
Department officials have been kicking the matter around for over a year
without producing results; giving all sorts of excuses for delays upon delays;
advancing no specific proposals designed to rescue Jews, at the same time
proposing that the whole refugee problem be "explored" by this
Government and Intergovernmental Committees. While the State Department has
been thus "exploring" the whole refugee problem, without
distinguishing between those who are in imminent danger of death and those who
are not, hundreds of thousands of Jews have been allowed to perish.
As early as August 1942 a message form the Secretary of the World Jewish
Congress in Switzerland
Thereupon, the Jewish organizations took the necessary steps to bring the
shocking facts to the attention of the public through mass meetings, etc. and
to elicit public support for governmental action. On December 17, 1942, a joint
statement of the United States
Since the time when this government knew that the Jews were being murdered, our
State Department has failed to take any positive steps reasonably calculated to
save any of these people. Although State has used the device of setting up
intergovernmental organizations to survey the whole refugee problem, and
calling conferences such as the Bermuda Conference to explore the whole refugee
problem, making it appear that positive action could be expected, in fact
nothing has been accomplished.
Before the outcome of the Bermuda
"As yet we have had no report from the Bermuda Refugee Conference. With
the best good will in the world and with all latitude that could and should be
accorded to diplomatic negotiations in time of war, I may be permitted to voice
the bitter suspicion that the absence of a report indicates only one thing--the
lack of action.
"Probably in all 5703 years, Jews have hardly had a time as tragic and
hopeless as the one which they are undergoing now. One of the most tragic
factors about the situation is that while singled out for suffering and
martyrdom by their enemies, they seem to have been forgotten by the nations
which claim to fight for the cause of humanity. WE should remember the Jewish
slaughterhouse of Europe
"*** Perhaps it would be necessary to introduce a formal resolution or to
ask the Secretary of State t report to an appropriate congressional committee
on the steps being taken in this connection. Normally it would have been the
job of the Government to show itself alert to this tragedy; but when a
government neglects a duty it is the job of the legislature in a democracy to
remind it of that duty. *** It is not important who voices a call for action,
and it is not important what procedure is being used in order to get action. It
is important that action be undertaken."
Similar fears were voiced be Representatives Cellar, Dickstein, and Klein.
Senator Wagner and Representative Sadowski also issued calls for action.
The widespread fears concerning the failure of the Bermuda Conference were
fully confirmed when Breckinridge Long finally revealed some of the things that
had happened at that Conference in his statement before the Committee of
Foreign Affairs of the House on November 26, 1942.
After Long's "disclosure" Representative Cellar stated in the House
on December 20, 1943:
"He discloses some of the things that happened at the so called Bermuda
Conference. He thought he was telling us something heretofore unknown and
secret. What happened at the Bermuda Conference could not be kept executive.
All the recommendations and findings of the Bermuda Conference were made known
to the Intergovernmental Committee of Refugees in 938 and which has been
functioning all this time in London
One of the best summaries of the whole situation is contained in one sentence
of a report submitted on December 20, 1943, by the Committee on Foreign
Relations of the Senate, recommending the passage of a Resolution (S.R. 203)
favoring the appointment of a commission to formulate plans to save the Jews of
Europe from extinction by Nazi Germany. The Committee stated:
"We have talked; we have sympathized; we have expressed our horror; the
time to act is long past due."
The Senate Resolution had been introduced be Senator Guy M. Gillettte in behalf
of himself and eleven colleagues, Senators Taft, Thomas, Radcliffe, Murray,
Johnson, Guffey, Ferguson
The House Resolutions (H.R.'s 350 and 352), identical with the Senate
Resolution, were introduced by Representatives Baldwin and Rogers.
The most glaring example of the use of the machinery of this Government to
actually prevent the rescue of Jews is the administrative restrictions which
have been placed upon the granting of visas to the United States
"Since the entry of the United States into the war there have been no new
restrictions placed by the Government of the United States upon the number of
aliens of any nationality permitted to proceed to this country under existing
laws, except for the more intensive examination of aliens required for security
The exception "for security reason" mentioned in this note is the
joker. Under the pretext of security reasons so many difficulties have been
placed in the way of refugees obtaining visas that it is no wonder that the
admission of refugees to this country does not come anywhere near the quote,
despite Long's statement designed to create the impression to the contrary. The
following administrative restrictions which have been applied to the issuance
of visas since the beginning of the war are typical.
(a) Many applications for visas have been denied on the grounds that the
applications have close relatives in Axis controlled Europe
(b) Another restriction greatly increases the red tape and delay involved in
getting the visa and requires among other things two affidavits of support and
sponsorship to be furnished with each application for a visa. To each affidavit
of support and sponsorship there must be attached two letters of reference from
two reputable American citizens.
If anyone were to attempt to work out a set of restrictions specifically
designed to prevent Jewish refugees from entering this country it is difficult
to conceive of how more effective restrictions could have been imposed than
have already been imposed on grounds of "security".
It is obvious of course that these restrictions are not essential for security
reasons. Thus refugees upon arriving in this country could be placed in
internment camps similar to those used for the Japanese on the West Coast and
released only after a satisfactory investigation. Furthermore, even if we took
these refugees and treated then as prisoners of war it would be better than
letting them die.
Representative Dickstein stated in the House on December 15:
"If we consider the fact that the average admission would then be at the
rate of less than 50,000 per year, it is clear that the organs of our
Government have not done their duty. The existing quotas call for the admission
of more than 150,000 every year, so that if the quotas themselves had been
filled there would have been a total of one-half million and not 500,000 during
the period mentioned.
"But that is not the whole story. There was no effect of any kind made to
save from death many of the refugees who could have been saved during the rime
that transportation lines were available and there was no obstacle to their
admission to the United
Representative Celler stated in the House on June 30:
"Mr. Speaker, nations have declared war on Germany, and their high-ranking
officials have issued pious protestations against the Nazi massacre of Jewish
victims, but not one of these countries thus far has said they would be willing
to accept these refugees either permanently or as visitors, or any of the
minority peoples trying to escape the Hitler prison and slaughterhouse.
"Goebbels says: 'The United Nations won't take any Jews. We don't want
them. Let's kill them.' And so he and Hitler are marking Europe Judentun.
"Without any change in our immigration statutes we could receive a
reasonable number of those who are fortunate enough to escape the Nazi
hellhole, receive them as visitors, the immigration quotas notwithstanding.
They could be placed in camps or cantonments and held there in such havens
until after the war. Private charitable agencies would be willing to pay the
entire cost thereof. They would be no expense to the Government whatsoever.
These agencies would even pay for transportation by ships to and from this
"We house and maintain Nazi prisoners, many of them undoubtedly
responsible for Nazi atrocities. We should do no less for the victims of the
rage of the Huns."
Again, on December 20, he stated:
"According to Earl G. Harrison, Commissioner of the Immigration and
Naturalization Service, not since 1862 have there been fewer aliens entering
the country.
"Frankly, Breckinridge Long, in my humble opinion, is least sympathetic to
refugees in all the State Department. I attribute to him the tragic bottleneck
in the granting of visas.
"The Interdepartmental Review Committees which review the applications for
visas are composed of one official, respectively, from each of the following
Departments: War, Navy, F.B.I.State
"I brought this difficulty to the attention of the President. He asked
Long to investigate at once. No, there has been no change in conditions. The
gruesome bottleneck still exists."
(2) State Department officials have not only failed to cooperate with private
organizations in the efforts of these organizations to work out individuals
programs of their own, but have taken steps designed to prevent these programs
from behind out into effect.
The best evidence in support of this charge are the facts relating to the
proposal of the World Jewish Congress to evacuate thousands of Jews from Rumania
(a) On March 13, 1942, a cable was received from the World Jewish Congress
representatives in London stating that information reaching London indicated
the possibility of rescuing Jews provided funds were put at the disposal of the
world Jewish Congress representation in Switzerland.
(b) On April 10, 1943, Sumner Welles cabled our Legation in Bern
(c) On April 20, 1943, a cable was received from Bern
(d) On May 25, 1943, State Department cabled for a clarification of these
proposed financial arrangements. This matter was not called to the attention of
the Treasury Department at this time.
(e) This whole question of financing the evacuation of the Jews from Rumania
(f) A conference was held with the State Department relating to this matter on
July 15, 1943.
(g) One day after this conference, on July 16, 1943, the Treasury Department
advised the State Department that it was prepared to issue in this matter.
(h) The license was not issued until December 13, 1943.
During this five months period between the time that the Treasury stated that
it was prepared to issue a license and the time when the license was actually
issued delays and objections of all sorts were forthcoming from officials in
the State Department, our Legation in Bern
Breckinridge Long knew that his position was so indefensible that he was
unwilling to even try to defend it at your pending conference with Secretary
Hull on December 20. Accordingly, he took such action as he felt was necessary
to "cover up" his previous position in this matter. It is, of course,
clear that if we had not made the record against the State Department followed
by your request to see Secretary Hull, the action which the State Department
officials took on December [ill.] could either never have been taken at all or
would have been delayed so long that any benefits which it might have had would
have been lost.
(3) State Department officials not only have failed to facilitate the obtaining
of in formation concerning Hitler's plans to exterminate the Jews of Europe but
in their official capacity have gone so far as to surreptitiously attempt to
stop the obtaining of information concerning the murder fo the Jewish
population in Europe.
The evidence supporting this conclusion is so shocking and so tragic that it is
difficult to believe.
The facts are as follows:
(2) Sumner Welles as Acting Secretary of State requests confirmation of
Hitler's plan to exterminate the Jews. Having already received various reports
on the plight of the Jews, on October 5, 1942, Sumner Welles as Acting
Secretary of State sent a cable (2314) for the personal attention of Minister
Harrison in Bern stating that leaders of the Jewish Congress had received
reports from their representatives in Geneva and London to the effect that many
thousands of Jews in Eastern Europe were being slaughtered pursuant to a policy
embarked upon by the German Government for the complete extermination of the
Jews in Europe. Welles added that he was trying to obtain further information
from the Vatican
(b) State Department receives confirmation and shocking evidence that the
extermination was being rapidly and effectively carried out. Pursuant to
Welles' cable of October 5 Minister Harrison forwarded documents from Riegner
confirming the fact of extermination of the Jews (in November 1942), and in a
cable of January 21, 1942 (482) relayed a message from Riegner and Lichteim
which Harrison stated was for the information of the Under Secretary of State
(and was to be transmitted to Rabbi Stephen Wise if the Under Secretary should
so determine). This message described a horrible situation concerning the
plight of Jews in Europe
(c) Sumner Welles furnishes this information to the Jewish organizations.
Sumner Welles furnished the documents received in November to the Jewish organizations
in the United States
Immediately upon the receipt of this message, the Jewish organizations arranged
for a public mass meeting in MadisonSquareGarden
(d) Certain State Department officials surreptitiously attempt to stop this
Government from obtaining further information from the very source from which
the above evidence was received. On February 10, the day after Welles forwarded
the message contained in cable 482 of January 21 to Rabbi Wise, and in direct
response to this cable, a most highly significant cable was dispatched. This
cable, 354 of February 10, read as follows:
"Your 482, January
"In the future we would suggest that you do not accept reports submitted
to you to be transmitted to private persons in the United States unless such
action is advisable because of extraordinary circumstances. Such private
messages circumvent neutral countries' censorship and it is felt that by
sending them we risk the possibility that steps would necessarily be taken by
the neutral countries to curtail of forbid our means of communication for
confidential official matter.
Hull (SW)"
Although this cable on its face is most innocent and innocuous, when read
together with the previous cables, I am forced to conclude it is nothing less
than an attempted suppression of information requested by this Government
concerning the murder of Jews by Hitler.
Although this cable was signed for Hull
I have been informed that the initialed file copy of the cable bears the
initials of Atherton and Dunn as well as of Durbrow and Hickerson.
(c) Thereafter Sumner Welles again requested our Legation on April 10, 1943 (cable
877) for information, apparently not realizing that in cable 354 (to which he
did not refer) Harrison
The fact that cable 354 is not the innocent and routine cable that it appears
to be on its face is further highlighted by the efforts of State Department
officials to prevent this Department from obtaining the cable and learning its
true significance.
The facts relating to this attempted concealment are as follows:
(i) Several men in our Department had requested States Department officials for
a copy of the cable of February 10 (354). We had been advised that it was a
Department communication; a strictly political communication, which had nothing
to do with economic matters; that it had only had a very limited distribution within
the Department, the only ones having anything to do with it being the European
Division, the Political Advisor and Sumner Welles; and that a copy could not be
furnished to the Treasury.
(ii) At the conference in Secretary Hull's
office on December 20 in the presence of Breckinridge Long you asked Secretary
Hull for a copy of cable 354, which you were told would be furnished to you.
(iii) By note to you of December 30, Breckinridge Long enclosed a paraphrase of
able 354. This paraphrase of cable 354 specifically omitted any reference to
cable 482 of January 21--thus destroying the only tangible clue to the true
meaning of the message.
(iv) You would never have learned the true meaning of cable 354 had it not been
for the fact that one of the men in my office whom I had asked to obtain al the
facts on this matter for me had previously called one of the men in another
Division of the State Department and requested permission to see the cable. In
view of the Treasury interest in this matter this State Department
representative obtained cable 354 and the cable of January 21 to which it
referred and showed these cables to my man.
(4) The State Department officials have tried to cover up their guilt by:
(a) concealment and misrepresentation
In addition to concealing the true facts from and misrepresenting these facts
to the public, State Department officials have even attempted concealment and
misrepresentation within the government. The most striking example of this is
the above mentioned action taken by State Department officials to prevent this
Department from obtaining a copy of cable 354 of February 10 (which stopped the
obtaining of information concerning the murder of Jews); and the fact that
after you had requested a copy of this cable, State Department officials
forwarded the cable to us with its most significant part omitted, thus
destroying the whole meaning of the cable.
(b) the giving of false and misleading explanations for their failures to act
and their attempts to prevent action.
The outstanding explanation of a false and misleading nature which the State
Department officials have given for their failures to work out programs to
rescue Jews, and their attempts to prevent action, are the following:
(i) The nice sounding but vicious theory that the whole refugee problem must be
explored and consideration given to working out programs for the relief of all
refugees--thus failing to distinguish between those refugees whose lives are in
imminent danger and those whose lives are not in imminent danger.
(ii) The argument that various proposals cannot be acted upon promptly by this
Government but must be submitted to the Executive Committee of the
Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees. This Committee has taken no effective
action to actually evacuate refugees from enemy territory and it is at least
open to doubt whether it has the necessary authority to deal with the matter.
(iii) The argument that the extreme restrictions which the State Department has
placed on the granting of visas to refugees is necessary for "security
reason." The falsity of this argument has already been dealt with in this
The false and misleading explanations which the State Department officials gave
for delaying for over six months the program of the World Jewish Congress for
the evacuation of thousands of Jews from Rumania
In this particular case, the State Department officials attempted to argue that
the relief plan might benefit the enemy by facilitating the acquisition of
funds by the enemy. In addition to the fact that this contention had no merit
whatsoever by virtue of the conditions under which the local funds were to be
acquired, it is significant that this consideration had not been regarded as
controlling in the past by the State Department officials, even where no such
conditions had been imposed.
Thus, in cases involving the purchase, by branches of United States concerns in
Switzerland, of substantial amounts of material in enemy territory, State
Department officials have argued that in view of the generous credit supplied
by the Swiss to the Germans "transactions of this type cannot be regarded
as actually increasing the enemy's purchasing power in Switzerland which is
already believed to beat a maximum". It is only when these State
Department officials really desire to prevent a transaction that they advance
economic warfare considerations as a bar.
(c) the issuance of false and misleading statements concerning the
"action" which they have taken to date.
It is unnecessary to go beyond Long's testimony to find many examples of
misstatements . His general pious remarks concerning what this Government has
done for the Jews of Europe; his statement concerning the powers and functions
of the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees; his reference to the
"screening process" set up to insure wartime security, etc., have
already been publicly criticized as misrepresentations.
A statement which is typical of the way Long twists facts is his remarks
concerning the plan of a Jewish agency to send money to Switzerland
The most patent instance of a false and misleading statement is that part of
Breckinridge Long's testimony before the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the
House (November 26, 1943) relating to the admittance of refugees into this
country. Thus, he stated:
"*** We have taken into this country since the beginning of the Hitler
regime and the persecution of the Jews , until today, approximately 580,000
refugees. The whole thing has been under the quota, during the period of 10
years--all under the quota--except the generous gesture we made with visitors'
and transit visas during an awful period."
Congressman Emanuel Celler in commenting upon Long's statement in the House on
December 20, 1943, stated:
"***In the first place these 580,000 refugees were in the main ordinary
quota immigrants coming in from all countries. The majority were not Jews. His
statement drips with sympathy for the persecuted Jews, but the tears he sheds
are crocodile. I would like to ask him how many Jews were admitted during the
last 3 years in comparison with the number seeking entrance to preserve life
and dignity. *** One gets the impression from Long's statement that the United States
"If men of the temperment and philosophy of Long continue in control of
immigration administration, we may as well take down that plaque from the
Statue of Liberty and bloack out the 'lamp beside the golden door.'"
The power of "no" can be used in so many ways. This is magnificent. Why tho' do people continue to be afraid to speak out about genocide around the world? racism? other bad "isms"? Do we learn nothing?
Posted by: Joan Eisenstodt | 26 July 2009 at 09:31 AM
Thanks for your comment, Joan. I think that we've learned plenty and have added all sorts of stuff to the heap of history, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything so far as the "doing" of things are concerned, otherwise children wouldn't be starving (etc.). "No" is still a pretty potent weapon.
Posted by: John Ptak | 26 July 2009 at 11:12 AM