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Kimberly Joris

Thank you for this piece of history. I have driven through Bristol many times over the last several years on my NC to NY and back treks with my Grandmother. I have wondered about the lonely and empty buildings, seen the theater, the used tires building and the small overgrown green spaces. I never knew Bristol's role in the birth of country music recording. I will drive through Bristol less now, but when I do, thanks to your narrative and pictures, there will be a connection to a sense of place and I might now be able to hear the lonely and vacant buildings sing... if just a little.
Thank you John.


The dentures business looks refreshingly third-world. It looks real, and if the service is good, what a joy to go to a place like that. I hope I never have to avail myself of this particular service, but I can easily imagine it as a tea shop or bicycle repair or a purveyor of books of haiku.

John Ptak

Thanks for your kind and elegant words, Kim. I don't know much more about Bristol than this. I did have an enjoyable time tooling around town for an hour. It seems to me that there were quite a few businesses on that main street--lots of doors with very narrow storefronts. It is a curious place.

John Ptak

As always, Mr. Dr. Jeff, an enjoyed comment. It DOES look refreshing and third world, all at the same time. And yes it would be a dream to have a store where you didn't have to get up to reach for anything at all. More suited to someone writing haiku for the passersby for 10 bucks a poke, or a teahouse denturama. I wonder about this place: there is SO much parking. IT is, actually, almost entirely devoted to parking. Maybe the guy treats you carside. Or the place is on wheels. Sumpin'.

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