JF Ptak Science Books LLC Post 522
Praxis Artolleriae Pyrotechnicae, printed in Osnabruck by Tilman Buchholtz for Johann Georg Schwaender, is one of those beautiful books of horrible things; beautifully designed and illustrated, with magnificent images of the horrifying necessaries that bind and tear nations and people. Flying and land-based weapons o fall sorts filled these pages: rocket, grenades, land mines, plus pyrotechnics and fireworks. As jolly as this implement might seem, it is not a firework, at least not one for entertainment: it was meant to dismember or kill. Those "arrows" on the ring are not showing the direction of the flight of the module--they are spears. This was a lethal weapon of the highest order--pretty, not-so-simple, and deadly.
Some other beautiful terribles, published to about the year 1600, include:
Roberto VALTURIO 1472 Vérone De re militari
Vanoccio BIRINGUCCIO 1540 : De La Pirotechnia
Girolamo CATANEO 1564 : Opera
nuova di fortificare, offendere et difendere, et far gli alloggiamenti campali.
- 1606 L’Artillier.
- 1608 : L'Arsenal et le magasin d'artillerie.
- 1617 L'Art et la conduite des eaux sur le fait de l'Artillerie de
et ses dépendances
1598 Istruttione de' bombardieri.
Les elemens de l’artillerie concernans tant la theorie que la pratique du
1608 L’invention description & demonstration d’une nouvelle artillerie
qui ne se charge que d’air ou d’eau pure, & à neantmoins une incroiable
force. Plus d’une nouvelle facon de pouldre a canon tres-violente qui se faict
d’or, par un excellent & rare artifice non communiqué jusques à present.
L’histoire du progrez & des premiers usages des armes à feu tant recentes
qu’anciennes, est deduitte en l’avant-propos.
Leonhard ZUBLER 1608 Nova geometrica pyrobolia - Neuwe geometrische Büchsenmeisterery.