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My understanding is that Twinkies last about a month, and they can go that long because they have no dairy products in them. I wonder if the cream in them was different when we were kids, or if we enjoyed them so simply because they were sweet. I've had a couple in my adult life, but I no longer like them. What were really special for me were Yodels and Ring Dings, and I KNOW the cream in them changed. Everything changed, including the size. I know it I know it I know it I know it

John Ptak

Huh. I thought that the More Modern Twinky lasted forever and that there were little tiny vaulted cities inside them. Because they were basically made of plastic and wouldn't eat itself up. I remember in my dim memory of taste that Ring Dings that were huge and cost 12 cents back in 1966--the ones that came in a white and red and blue wrapper and were as big as your ten-year-old palm, the ones that you'd get to read your comic books in the cemtery-- tasted really good and that the white fluff inside them wouldn't peel paint or anything and tasted like cream. Is there a singular form of Twinkies?


BTW, Laura has rich dreams and has a long history of paying attention to them, whereas I usually wake up rested as if from anesthesia. I HAVE had some extremely powerful dreams, but they are rare. Otherwise, mine fade quickly from the barest awareness of them. Laura said the other day that she thought it would be interesting (but probably some other word) if They ever had a machine to record dreams. I thought it would become a terrible drug and leave precious few people in the waking world. She countered, wondering what would be so bad if people DID return to their dreams, examine them, pay attention to them. I could not answer well, having immediately assumed that it would be like World of Warcraft or Second Life ... Gone. I think she might be right.

John Ptak

I have little doubt that books and tv and movies and Second Life and the asosicated stuff are all stone age atempts at getting at exactly what Laura is talking about-keys to the Big Show in our own noggins. Everything else is just fanfare for unlocking the bits that we want to get at in our own heAds. Theoretically, everything is up there, and the stuff we remember is just the tiniest speck of that potential. Sure there's the otherall flavor of the "sensation" of all our lives' experiences, but I'd be curious to see what my eyes saw and recorded on 21 November 1958. NAd 1962. And so on. Access this, and nothing gets done! There's a wonderful/somewhat horrible film called "Until the End of the World" by Wim Wenders (1991) that touches on just this topic--a machine that records our memories and dreams and plays them back. And yes it IS addictive. Maybe the way anything in the world gets done is because we can't remember 1% of everything we've thought or see or done; otherwise, there's too much to remember in too-few years of available time to do it in. There are some addicted diarists who--sick people really--have to limit what they do in a day because they must record EVERYTHING. Their days are numbed down to the barest essentials because it takes 6 hours to write about just that stuff. Forget going to the movies for these guys--it would be too much to write about. The same would probably be true about us and recorded memory and dreams--unlss of course those fabulous dreams that we think we have all all enhanced post-awakening and all of that stuff that goes on in REM is stupid. I dunno.



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