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The Fine Print

« Books of Shadows—Trithemius, Bacon, Porta, & Falconer vs. a Make-Believe Derrida on How to Make Something Unintelligible. Secret Writing and Ciphers. | Main | The Beauty of Repair—Moving Heavy Stuff and Fixing the Impossible: Zabaglia and Fontana »



John, I'm pretty sure you were delving more into imagination than memory when you mentioned the parasol, just as you admit. After all, Patti is not just the jewel, she is also the burning wheel of the sun, so a parasol would be a silly accessory.

I do love visiting here, John, even if there are many things you discuss which seem to go from really interesting to seriously over my head within a paragraph and a half.


I'd also love to know what books these Pope drawings of the gardens are in..... this is amazing stuff.

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