MICHELSON, Albert A. Four papers on Michelson's famous experiments determining the speed of light (the established velocity standing for 40 years). This includes the paper (#3) in which his outstanding result is established and reported.
(1) MICHELSON, A.A. "Velocity of Light", in Nature, volume 18, #451, June 20, 1878, page 195. This is the preliminary announcement of Michelson's great speed of light experiment. Very nice copy, removed from a larger bound copy.
The Michelson bibliography in the Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences (page 142) states the publication on the big paper as so: "(a) "On a Method of Measuring the Velocity of Light," Am. J. Sci. (3) 394-95 (1878) ; (b) "Velocity of Light (Preliminary Announcement)," Nature 18, 195 (1878), differs from (a) in the addition of a paragraph.
Offered with: (2) MICHELSON, A.A. "Experimental Determination of the Velocity of Light" [Part I], in Nature, volume 21 no. 526, November 27, 1879, pp 94-96, in the issue of pp 77-100, with six figures in text, including two optics plans, two instrument profiles, and another two instrument plans. Offered in the original wrappers
With: (3) MICHELSON, A.A. "Experimental Determination of the Velocity of Light, II", in Nature, vol 21 no. 527, December 4, 1879, pp 120-122, with two schematics, in the issue of pp 101-124. With the original front wrapper. Removed from a larger bound volume. Clean and tidy issue.
NOTE: In the interest of fullness I should say that there is a short addendum/corrigeda to these two papers "Velocity of Light" that appeared in Nature 21, 226-226 (08 January 1880) that I do NOT offer. It seems that the full text is limited to: "IF you can spare the space please state that the corrected result for the velocity of light (NATURE, vol. xxi. p. 94) is— 299944 ± 50 kilometres, or 186380 ± 33 miles per second." It IS however a very significant publication correcting his great standard.
(4) Michelson, A.A. "On M. Wolf's Modification of Foucault's Apparatus for the Measurement of the Velocity of Light", in Nature, vol 32 no. 810, 7 May 1885, pp 6-7 in the issue of pp 1-24. This issue offered without the outer wrappers. Removed from a larger bound volume. VG copy, crisp.
The four papers: $950.00