A Proposed Solution for Traffic Congestion, Los Angeles, 1939
Suspended Roadways and Monorails
DAVINO, Alphonso (1888-1965?). A Brief analysis of the Traffic Congestion Problem and its Economical Solution. Self-published, Los Angeles, 1939. 11”x 8.5”, 8 leaves, four folding plates (two graphic displays, one map, one display of the suspended thoroughfares, the last two printed on heavy blueprint stock. Rare. No copies located in WorldCat. $4500
Provenance: Library of Congress (with their surplus stamp on title page).
Condition: contemporary store-bought manila document holder with flexible metal pins, title on paper pasted on cover. The blueprints are in excellent condition—there are no breaks at any of the folds, and the paper is quite heavy. The blueprints are also uniformly dark blue (the photo images I made of them make them appear a little variable though they are not—the light catches the various folds and distorts the color, and I just didn't want to force the prints flat to make a better picture. The blueprints are lovely.)
“Suspended rapid transit and elevated highway system for high-speed passenger service” is what Mr. Davino was suggesting here, all of which was of his own design. I can not find very much at all for Mr. Davino, though he is a patent holder for at least three associated designs/ideas dating from 1926 to 1950. [Semirigid Suspended Railway Structures, 1607875, (1923);Aerial Railway Apparatus patent 2234487 (1943); Suspended Rapid Transit System 2781001A (1950), (suspended vehicles with self-propelled vehicles).] I also found a reference to a suspended transportation system of some sort offered by him through his business “Aerial Apparatus” of Los Angeles (in the Mining Journal, vol 110, 6 November 1920, p 910).
Details of the large folding blueprint:
The folding plates:
1. “Graphic Time Schedule”. 17.5”x 24”. Shows difference in travel time car vs bus compared to NYC “rapid transit” for moving over the same distance, and then compared to the proposed Davino system.
2. Graphic Table Outlining Coats of Davino's Train System...” 11”x 15”.
3. Blueprint. Suggestive Tentative Plan of the Davino Suspended Rapid Transit nd Elevated Highway System. Lovely!
4. Blueprint. “Sketch Map of Los Angeles and Vicinity” showing the connections and possible routes of the Davino system. 11”x 15”.