KLEIN, Felix. "Über die Differentialgesetze für die Erhaltung von Impuls und Energie in der Einsteinschen Gravitationstheorie", (“ the differential laws for the conservation of momentum and energy in the Einstein theory of gravitation.”) published by Nachrichten von der Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse, 1918). 19pp. $500
In original paper wrappers. The interior is in near fine condition, but the spine is gone and the wrappers have separated from the body.
“In an extensive memoir [this paper]...[Klein] attempted to unify the different forms of the differential laws for the conservation of energy and momentum that could be found in the papers of Einstein, Lorentz and Hilbert. The important tool which he used in doing this was the theory of invariants....Felix Kelin's work is closely connected with the studies of Emmy Noether concerning the relations between symmetry properties and the conservation laws...” Jagdish Mehra, Einstein, Hilbert, and The Theory of Gravitation: Historical Origins of General Relativity Theory. Reidel, 1974, pp 46-49
“I must also not omit to thank Miss Noether for encouraging participation in my new work, where the mathematical ideas which I used in the adaptation to the physical question for the integral I have in general been worked out, and will in the near future in these news be published.”--from this Klein paper, (that publication being Emmy Noether “Invariante Variationsprobleme”, Gottinger Nachrichten (1918), pp. 235–257 (presented by F. Klein at the meeting of 26 July 1918—the paper was dedicated to Klein).
“This work, which has for too long been neglected, includes some interesting analysis regarding the gravitational energy-momentum expressions of Einstein, Hilbert, Lorentz and Weyl. The topic of gravitational energy momentum and its localization had been at that time—and, notwithstanding considerable progress, still remains a century later—an unsettled issue.”--from the 2019 translation of this paper by Chiang-Mei Chen, James M. Nester, and Walter Vogel.
Brading, Katherine A.:"A note on general relativity, energy conservation, and Noether’s theorems", in The Universe of General Relativity (Proceedings of the Conference on the History of General Relativity, Amsterdam 2002), Jean Eisenstaedt and Anne J. Kox, eds., Einstein Studies, vol. 11, Boston: Birkhauser, 2005, pp. 125–135
Kosmann-Schwarzbach, Y., The Noether Theorems: Invariance and Conservation Laws in the Twentieth Century (Springer, New York, 2011).
Rowe, David E.: "The Goettingen response to general relativity and Emmy Noether’s theorems", in Gray, Jeremy J., ed. The Symbolic Universe, Geometry and Physics 1890–1930 (Milton Keynes, 1996), OxfordNew York: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp 189–233.
There is an inscription---quite faded but legible--”G. Mie” on the top right corner of the offprint cover. I'm quite sure that this must be the physicist Gustav Mie (1868-1957). “Mie's main contributions to science, in addition to his oft-cited light-scattering paper, require recognition. He derived inductively the Maxwellian edifice from the empirical reality, a pursuit that still occupied Mie in his 80th year when the last and revised edition of his Handbook of Electricity and Magnetism was published.'4 His persistent search for a unified theory encompassing field and matter, although unsuccessful, nevertheless stimulated the work of other notable physicists such as Born'5 and Infeld. Other important pursuits by Mie included research into the dielectric constants of various materials using electromagnetic waves; the solution of the problem of the anomalous dispersion of water leading to the determination of the characteristic dielectric constant of that liquid; and x-ray crystallographic studies of hydrated naphthalenes, anthracenes, and polyoxymethylenes and of liquid crystals.”-- “Gustav Mie: the person”, by Pedro Lilienfeld, Applied Optics, 20 November 1991 p 4696.