Hans Reichenbach, “Uber die physikalischen Konsequenzen der relativitischen Axiomatik”, offprint from Zeitschrift fur Physik, v34 section 1, printed in Berlin by Springer, 1925. Original wrappers, pp (31)-48. Nice presentation to Hans J. Reissner (Reissner-Nordstrom metric), “vom Verfassser”. $250
“Described as perhaps “the greatest empiricist of the 20th century” (Salmon, 1977a), the work of Hans Reichenbach (1891–1953) provides one of the main statements of empiricist philosophy in the 20th century...Reichenbach's contributions cover large swathes of formal philosophy, especially in philosophy of physics, logic, induction and the foundations of probability, and his later work encompassed linguistics, philosophical logic, and ethics.”--Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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