JF Ptak Science Books
Psychological Operations Leaflets and Related Materials--164 Items
Offered here are 164 leaflets and other printed materials made to engage the enemy in psychological warfare during WWII. The intended readers were German, Italian, Austrian, and Yugoslavian; there is a small clutch of them targeted to support morale and the cause of Filipinos in their fight against the Japanese. A full table of all of the materials follows the images of the samples of what is being offered. All but one are from 1945, and most of these are from the last two months of the war. Many are illustrated with maps.
What distinguishes this collection is that most of the leaflets are accompanied by a sheet of text translating it. Given that the collection was part of a larger collection I purchased of the Library of Congress ("the Pamphlet Collection") and given that the sheets of translations accompany the material, it may be safe to assume that the original owner was forming an archive of some sort, and that owner may have been an official branch of the U.S. PSYOP effort during WWII.
Of the 164 items, 98 are single-page leaflets, and the remaining 66 are small newspaper-leaflets publications ranging from single sheets, to single fold (4) to multi-page. The "translation sheets" are not counted as part of the 164 items.
Here is an example of a newspaper-leaflet with the accompanying translation sheet:
And another, this one a simpler translation sheet, though with full text.
And the next example of the translation sheets:
The newspaper-leaflets include Frontpost Ausgabe Sud, Rot Weiss Rot, Soldaten-Nachrichten, Nachrichten auf die Heimat, Luftpost, Poseda, Mundimi, Neuester Nachrichten.
164 items: ON HOLD
- There is also a description of one of the leaflets describing a revolt at Buchenwald listed below, at the end of this post.
A part of the payload dropped on German and Japanese forces were not metal and explosive, but paper. Hundreds of thousands of pieces of paper with real and imagined information, tickets to surrender, reminders of the coming of the end of the war, passages to a prisoner of war camp somewhere that would ensure the soldier's survival of the rest of the war. Convincing someone to surrender, or making it easier for them to not fight too hard and to surrender, is sometimes easier than to confront and kill them.
For the most part these were distributed in a combination effort between the U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) and the Royal Air Force (RAF), while the other major segment was done by the Supreme Headquarters of the Army Expedition Force (SHAEF) and the 8th U.S. Army. There pieces of directed information were very persuasive, but of course they were hardly new—not even the delivery system (via aircraft) was an innovation.
These leaflets were more or less an “information” service relating factual events and presented in such a way to persuade and convince whomever picked them up that their cause was at this point futile. In just about every case in the 150 items in my small collection as far as I could determine all of the statements made were indeed correct and accurate. Leaflets were dropped by the ton during the war that were pure fabrication, intended to confuse the scare the recipient into surrender, deceiving them; but not these. (For example, a famous use of deception in major confrontations was Operation Quicksilver and the creation of the First United States Army Group (FUSAG), a non-existent fighting enemy that was supposed to distract the Germans while real preparations were underway elsewhere for the invasion of Europe (D Day).
There was a distinct threat of terror in many of these leaflets, though the terror would never come from the Americans or Brits—the Russians, however, were another story. (Remember that the U.S. gets into the war at the end of 1941; the British had been fighting since 1939; and the Russians, well, they had been fighting too since 1939 [starting out without chivalry and with cold malice against the Finns], but they did fight against the Nazis once they had been completely deceived by them, losing 20 million people in the process. The Germans had much more to fear from them than anything on earth. And rightly so.) The use of terror in propaganda is probably as old as warfare itself—for example the Mongol leader Tamerlane built a pyramid of 90,000 human heads in front of the walls of Delhi to persuade the inhabitants to just forget about fighting, and leave. The British employed a terror tactic in the use of the Gurkas and their curved and menacing Kukri to great advantage; the Americans had the Phoenix Program in Vietnam (for the assassination of leading Viet Cong and their supporters), and so on, into the sunset.
I do not intend to try and write a thousand-word history of wartime psychological operations here—I just wanted to share some of the extreme emotions and humanity that surfaces in some of these leaflets. The first (above), for example, translated, asks “Where are your loved ones?” (Sprint, 1945), and hammers away at the soldiers memories of home and family, and about what might be happening to that family now that the war is just about won by the Allied forces, and that the Russians were on their way to Berlin. These family-driven, hollowing, haunting, nervous questions went, I suspect, to the very heart of anyone who picked it up.
The second, “Auf fremder Erde (etc.)” (Spring 1945), roughly translated, called the attention of the German soldier again to the Russians, “On German soil the Russian Deluge is Raging across the Oder toward the Heart of Germany!” And “On foreign soil you are perishing relentlessly, without value, without influence, on this war which has long been decided!”
The third leaflet, “Deutschland R-Industrie…” (3 April 1945) informs the German soldier that the hear of the German industrial region has been punctured and given up, and that supplies to soldiers in the field would no longer occur—that the fighting man was basically adrift, lost, forgotten, unreachable by everyone except the enemy.
The next example is a 10x8 inch surrender pass that was dropped on Japanese soldiers in the early spring of 1945, and tartly signed “C-in-C [Commander in Chief] Allied Forces”. There is a very full explanation in Japanese on the back of the ticket, which has not been translated. It seems rather remarkable to me that this was so well designed, and so attractive, and so large, and that it was dropped from a plane on thousands of Japanese troops. As were they all, really—just about every one of the leaflets in y house are extremely well written and designed—epistles from a plane to induce surrender to a defeated, tired, dying set of armies.
The following is an alphabetical list of the leaflets and pamphlets in this collection.
The second column denotes whether the item is a leaflet (L) or a newspaper format (N); the third column is the identifier for the publication (if there is one).
(Indonesia pamphlet, single sheet folded into four pages, with maps and photos, in Chinese.) |
L |
J260 |
2 Katastrophale Fehlschlage! (Two Disasterous failures!) [With: sheet of translation.] |
L |
G138 |
5 nach 12 says the clock in front of the Cologne Cathedral... |
L |
90 v. H. von Ost-preussen uberannt. Frontpost, Ausgabe Sud. 6 February 1945.(90 percent of East Prussia Overrun.) |
L/N |
Amerikanische Panzerkrafte stehen vor Nurnberg... Frontpost Letzte Nachrichten 28 Marz PWB “F” Force |
L |
An des Recihes Ostgrenze. Rot Weiss Rot, April 20, 1945. [WITH: Single sheet of translations] |
N |
An des Reiches Ostgrenze. Kessel Leipzig. Luftpost, Ausgabe Sud, April 20, 1945. [WITH: 2pp of translations.] |
N |
An die Polen und Luxemburger im Deutschen Heer...Map too showing the “fronten am 2 Februar 1945) |
L |
T69 |
An die Soldaten der 305. Infantrie-Division |
L |
T67 |
Ascoltate ka Voce della Quinta Armata Ultime Notizie (with Map) |
L |
Asolatate la Voce Della Quinta Armata. Ultime Notizie –handout/leaflet for listening to the latest war news via the 5th Army Radio service. With map. WITH: the same in translation in a similar format. |
L |
UN18 |
Auch du Hast die Wahl/Die Alliierten an der Elbe/Maagedeburg erreicht! |
L |
8229 |
Auf fremder erde verdirbst du jetzt |
L |
Avvertimento alla Populazione Civile Italiana... (Italian edition of Warning Italian Civilians...) |
L |
W3 |
Bauplan einer Neuen Welt (Plans for Building a New World, Yalta) Rot Weiss Rot 16 Februaary 1945, 2pp. With 2pp of transaltions. |
N |
Bauplan Einer Neuen Welt, (Plans for Building a New World). Soldaten-Nachrichten, 16 February 1945 . 2pp With sheet of translation. |
N |
Bearer Has Ceased Resistance |
L |
Beloved Brothers in Indonesia |
L |
M272 |
Berlin 55 Km. Hinter der Front, Frontpost Ausgabe der Adriafront. |
N |
8-AF-11 |
Berlin nach dem Grossluftangriff/Berlin after the great air attack. Nachrichten aus der Heimat. 9 February 1945 With a sheet fo full translation. |
L/N |
Berlin von dem Sturm (Berlin Before the Storm) Nachrichten aus der Heimat, nr. 47, 17 April 1945. With: translation on a spearate sheet of similar format. ALSO: a short two paragraph notice, “Aufstand im Kz. Buchenwald”/”Revolt in Buchenwald Camp” on the prisoner overtaking the SS guards and then greeting the advancing tanks of the U.S. 3rd Army. |
L |
Bremen und Hannover Bedroht. Luftpost, Ausgabe Sud, 11 April 1945. With a map. |
N |
Bremen und Hannover Bedroht. Ueber die Leine. Rot Weiss Rot. 11 april 1945. With a sheet of near-full translation. |
N |
Britanska Demokracija, by C.K. Allen. Pobjeda (Posada), ca. February, 1945. 8pp. |
N |
Budapest in Russischem Besetz, Soldaten-Nachrichten, 18 February, 1945. With sheet of translation. |
N |
Budapest in Russischem Besitz. Rot Weiss Rot, 18 February 1945. 2pp. |
N |
Bunker und Barrikaden in Berlin (Shelters and barricades in Berlin.) Nachrichrten aus der Heimat, 13 february 1945, 2pp. With a sheet of full translation. |
L/N |
Burma. Pobjeda 20 January 1945. 4pp, with map featuring the Philippines. Text in Russian. |
L/N |
Churchill per Krimen. Mundimi, nr 44, Arpil 1945. With a sheet of translation. |
N |
Churchill per Zonen e Mesdheut. Mundimi, #40, 26 Kalinduer (January) 1945 [With: sheet of translation of article titles. (Churchill in the Mediterranean.)] 4pp. |
N |
Cronache dell'italia Democratica La Consulta Nazionale 2 April 1945. 4pp. ( PWB Unit 12) |
L |
AppJ |
Curse is lifted! German Towns Occupied by the Russians/The Way Home leads through Allied Captivity |
L |
LN92 |
Das Reich Zerspalten, Patton in Bohmen. (The Reich Split in Half”) Neueste Nachrichten, 20 April 1945. [WITH sheet of translation] |
N |
Death to Fascist German Invaders |
L |
Death to Fascist German Invaders (In Russian) |
L |
Der Spuk ist Aus (The Curse is lifted! One German sheet, one English) |
L |
Deutsche Soldaten vom I. Btl., 297... Warum fur Hitler sterben? (Separate English version of the German leaflet) |
L |
Deutsche Soldaten von der 65. Division |
L |
App N |
Deutschlands R-Industrie, ins Herz Getroffen—Am 30 Maerz 19 166 deutsche Gefangwene im Westen PWB 8th Army Latest News 2 April 1945 (with separate English translation sheet) |
L |
App O |
Deutschlands R-Industrie. Ins Herz Getroffen. Das Ruhrgebeit mit der gesamten...2 April 1945 |
L |
08/01/17 |
Die Alliierien an der Weser 5 April 1945 [WITH: small sheet of translation.] |
L |
8220 |
Die Frinten nahern sich (the Front Draws Closer) Frontpost Ausgabe Sud, 13 April 1945. Another sheet in same format though in English. Leaflet. |
L |
Die Fronten nahern Sich/Elbe Uberschritten. Wien befreit. (The front draws closer/Vienna freed.) Frontpost, ausgabe sud, 14 April 1945. With another identical publication as an English variety. |
N |
Die Geschichte eines Transportes. Nachrichten aus der Heimat, nr. 23, January 1945. With a sheet of full translation. |
N |
8 afB12 |
Die Russen 150 km vor Berlin. Frontpost, Ausgabe der Adriafront, 30 January 1945. [WITH: sheet of translation.] |
N |
Die Russen Eroberten |
L |
Die Russen Sind Da! (The Russians Are Here!) Luftpost Ausgabe Sud, April 25, 1945. [WITH: sheet of translations.] |
N |
Die Russische Walze Russischer Vormarsch durch Brandenburg auf 100 Km. Breiter Front. |
L |
8,80 |
Durchbruch Westlich Koeln. (Breach West of Cologne.) Rot Weiss Rot, 28 February 1945. 2pp. [With a sheet of translations of article titles as well as a few abstracts.] |
N |
Eastern Front Collapses. Map: The Russians Captured... |
L |
T93 |
EI SSORRENDER This is the English and American pronunciation of the words “I surrender” (ich ergebe mich)... |
L |
App S |
EI SSORRENDER Dies is die englische und amerikanische.... |
L |
Ei Ssorrender ei ssorrender! PWB 8th Army |
L |
AppL |
Eichenlaubtrager General der Artillerie von Seidlitz an die Deutsche Wehrmacht. (Bearer of the Oakleaves General of Artillery von Seidlitz to the German Armed Forces.) early February, 1945. Seilitz's appeal to the German people to rise up as one and overthrow Hitler and bring the war to an end. With a sheet of full translation. |
L |
G139 |
Ein Dittel Deutschlands besetzt. Nachrichten aus der Heimat, #46, 13 April 1945. Leaflet with translation in matching format. |
L |
Eine Woche uber Deutschland |
L |
Elbing, Deutsch-Krone, Liegnitz, Bunzlau. Krimkonferenz beendet (ending of Yalta Conference) Frontpost, Ausgabe Sud 13 February 1945. [With sheet of full translation.] Map. |
L/N |
German Soldiers of the 1st Bn of the 297th Mountain Rgt The War Nears its end. |
L |
T73 |
German Soldiers of the 1st Bn of the 297th Mountain Regt Why die for Hitler? |
L |
M178 |
Germans of the 65th Div! The war nears its end.... |
L |
8228 |
Geschutzdonner in Berlin zu horen. (Frontline Town: greater Berlin.) Nachrichten aus der Heimat. 2pp. 6 February 1945. With a sheet of full translation. |
L/N |
Gli Alleati Avanzano Ultime Notizie 6 April 1945 |
L |
Gli Alleati Avanzano... Ultimme Notizie Number 12, Aprile 1945 (PWB 15th A.G.) |
L |
Goergoe Agama Islam Dalam Sembahjang... |
L |
Grossangriff auf Berlin, Die Russen sind da! 23 April 1945. (Large Scale Attack on Berlin!) Neueste Nachrichten. [WITH: sheet of article title translation] |
N |
Hinter Euch Chaos! / Vor Euch der Schutz von Genf |
L |
M276 |
Ich ergebe mich heisst auf englisch EI SSORRENDER 10 April 1945 |
L |
M271 |
Ich ergebe mich heisst auf englisch: EI SSORRENDER (another version of the existing pamphlet) |
L |
Im Herzen des Reich (In the heart of the Reich) 2 February 1945.Rot Weiss Rot. [WITH: 4pp of translation.] |
N |
Im Herzen des Reichs. Quer durch Brandenburg zur Oder. Soldaten-Nachrichten, 2 February 1945. With: sheet of translation of article titles and a few abstracts. |
N |
Im Siegeszuge von Westen und Osten Haben sich die Armeen der Vereinten Nationen im Raume von Dresden...Das Reich ist Zerspalten...(The Reich is Split Up) [WITH: sheet of translation.] |
L |
In front of you The Protection of Geneva (overleaf: BEHIND YOU CHAOS) |
L |
Inhabitants of Indonesia. The Japanese cheats are forcing you to hand over to them all gold and diamonds and to receive payment in paper which has no value at all... |
L |
Japanese Cheats Take Away Diamonds (separate sheet) |
L |
M280 |
Kako Deluje Britanski Parlament...Vojna na Poljih, Zmaga. [WITH: sheet of translations] |
L |
Kampf um Wien in V ollem Gagne. Bruck Gefallen. (Battle for Vienna in Full Swing. Bruck Fallen.) Rot Weiss Rot, 8 April 1945. 2pp. With: translation sheet stapled to the RWR. |
N |
Kampf um Wien in Vollem Gange. Soldaten-Nachrichten, 8 April 1945, 2pp. With a sheet of translation. |
N |
Kdor ima Usesa da Slisi, Naj Poslusa! |
L |
Keitel uber gefalschte Ausweiss/Keitel on “forged passes” Nachrichten aus der Heimat, 6 April 1945. [With a sheet of full translation.] |
L/N |
Konferenca e Detit te zi (Conference of the Black Sea, Yalta) Mundimi, 14 February 1945. 4pp. With 6pp of translations. |
N |
Konjew in Brandenburg. Luftpost Ausgabe Sud, 17 February 1945. 2pp. [With a sheet of translations of article titles as well as a few abstracts.] |
N |
Konjews Truppen an der Neisse. (Koniev's Troops on the Neisse.) Rot Weiss Rot, 25 February 1945. [With a sheet of translations of article titles as well as a few abstracts.] |
N |
Konjews Truppen an der Neisse. (Koniev's Troops on the Neisse.) Soldaten-Nachrichten 25 February 1945. 2pp [With a sheet of translations of article titles as well as a few abstracts.] |
N |
Krimska Konferenca. Zmaga, 12 February 1945 (Crmean Conference) 4pp. [With: sheet of translations for article titles.] |
Krimski Sastanak, Izvjestaj sa Konference Vodja Triju Valda. Pobjeda, (Posada) mid-February, 1945. 4pp. |
N |
Krimski Sastanak, Izvjestaj sa Konference Vodja Triju Valda. Pobjeda, (Posada) mid-February, 1945. 4pp. With sheet of translations. |
N |
La Trahison! Les Communistes sont Partisans du separatisme alsacien pour lequel travaillent les Allemands...” Imprimerie du service de propagande...Paris |
L |
Latest News From the East and from the West |
L |
M273 |
Latest News The Allies Advance Apr 6 1945 |
L |
M274 |
Latest News The Allies Advance Number 12 April 3, 1945 The allies advance; the red Army Advances; the German Army Breaks Up... |
L |
M273 |
Latest News: Dresden the Next Objective April 15, 1945 |
L |
M274 |
Manila has Fallen |
L |
J258 |
Manila Telah Djayoeh |
L |
M278 |
Maria-Theresienritter Generalleutnant Dr. Fritz Franek an die Osterreicher. (Mid/late February 1945) Text of an appeal from the general made directly to the Austrians (on the radio) to give up their positions in the support of Hitler. |
L |
Au140 |
Mark Clark ai patrioti, Italia Comatte, 15 January 1945. 2pp |
N |
Moeslimin dan Moeslimat... |
L |
Mohamedans. Take to heart verses 10 and 11... |
L |
M272 |
Mohamedans. The Japanese Cheat has tried in various cunning ways to win the hearts of the Mohamedans... |
L |
M276 |
Moselimin dan Moeslimat |
L |
M274 |
Nachrichten aus der Heimat No. 43, 3 April 1945 |
N |
Nemcija Presekana (Germany Cut/The Main routes between north and south Germany cut.) Zmaga, April 20, 1945. With 4pp of translations. |
N |
Neuspech Nemecke Zimni Ofensivy. (Failure of the German Winter Offensive—report on the Battle of the Bulge) Ca. January 1945. Spojenecke Zppravy, CS/134 |
L |
CS134 |
News from the Home Country No. 43, April 1945 |
N |
Njemacka Presjecena...Pobjeda, 16 April 1945. (On the death of FDR) [WITH: 4pp of translations] |
N |
Notizie per I Combattenti della Divisione Italia. Russi battono alle porte di Berlino. (Two copies) |
L |
IT/5.2 |
Oder auf 80 km Front uberschritten. Frontpsot, ausgabe sud. 9 February 1945. (Oder crossed on 80 km front.) 2pp. [With a full sheet of translation.] Map. |
L/N |
Oder Uberschritten von Kurstrin bis Opeln. Frontpost, Ausgabe Sud, 10 February 1943. 4pp. With a full translation as well. (Loss of text and map at the middle of the folded newspaper, due to brittleness.) |
N |
Oder Uberschritten von Kurstrin bis Opeln. Luftpost Ausgabe Sud, 10 February 1943. 4pp. With a full translation as well. Map. |
N |
Officers and Men of the Japanese Forces. You are aware that to remain in your present position is hopeless... |
L |
AppK |
Ostpreussen abgeschnitten, Russen uber der Oder... 27 January 1945. Luftpost Ausgabe Sud, #14 4pp. [WITH: single sheet of English translations of the German article headlines.] |
N |
Ostraum Sondernummer 2. (Special Eastern Germany Issue 2. Nachrichten aus der Heimat, 2 February 1945. With a sheet of full translation. |
N |
Planmassinger Ruckzug im Ardennekeil. Luftpost, Ausgabe Sud, 13 January 1945, with a map of Hungary/Czechoslovakia. |
N |
Polozaj na Zapadu. Pobjeda (Posada), 12 January 1945. 4pp |
N |
Praying Islam Teacher Killed by the Japanese Idol Worshippers |
L |
IT17G |
Reds in Vienna (Frontpost Ausgabe Sud, 6 April 1945) |
N |
Reichsehrenmal Tannenberg gesbrengnt. Nachrichten aus der Heimat, no. 24, January 1945. [With: the English translation.] |
N |
Ressen in Pommern/Reds in Pomerania. Frontpost, Ausgabe Sud.. 20 January 1942. With a sheet of full translation. Map. |
L/N |
Ruhr Encircled Allies in Munster...( (Frontpost Ausgabe Sud, 3April 1945) |
N |
Ruhr umzingelt. Russen in Wiener-Neustadt und Pressburg (Frontpost Auggabe Sud) 3 April 1945 Nummer 121 (Map overleaf) |
N |
Russen 75 km vor Berlin/Russians 75 km from Berlin. (Amerikaner am Westwall; Hitler und die Vorsehung. Frontpost, Ausgabe Sud. 2 February 1945. with a sheet of full translation. Map. |
L/N |
Russen 75 km vor Berlin/Russians 75 km from Berlin. (Amerikaner am Westwall; Hitler und die Vorsehung. Luftpost, Ausgabe Sud. 2 February 1945. with a sheet of full translation. Map. |
N |
Russen Besetzen Wien. Einmarsch in Mahren. Luftpost und Soldaten-Nachrichten, 15 April 1945. With another lede story on the death of FDR. 2Pp, with a sheet of translation of the article headers. |
N |
Russen Besetzen Wien. Einmarsch in Mahren. Rot Weiss Rot, 15 April 1945. With another lede story on the death of FDR. 2Pp, with a sheet of translation of the article headers. |
N |
Russen in Wien. (Frontpost Ausgabe Sud, 6 April 1945) |
N |
Safe Conduct for the NCO and the Men Under his Command...Passierschein... |
L |
T95 |
SAFE CONDUCT pass (overside: “Safe Conduct” and then three columns/three language explanation) |
L |
Saudara2 di-Indonesia Jang Terjinta (“The Japanese Cheats Take Away Diamonds, Brilliants...” |
L |
M272 |
Schlacht an der Oder Soldaten-Nachrichten 7 February 1945. Soldaten-Nachrichten. February 7, 1945. Map on the front page. [WITH: single sheet, 2pp, translations.] |
N |
Schlacht an der Oder. Rot Weiss Rot, 4 February 1945 2pp. |
N |
Schukow an der Oder, an der Danziger Bucht. Soldaten-Nachrichten 7 February 1945. [WITH: single sheet of extended transaltions] |
N |
Schukow an der Oder. Rot Weis Rot. 7 February 1945. With sheet of translation of article titles and abstracts. |
N |
Sekalian Pendodoek di Indonesia |
L |
W 3 |
Si avvicina la vostra fine (Two copies) |
L |
IT/16 |
Si Penipoe Nippon Mengangkoet Intan Berlian dan Platina... |
L |
Soldati dell'esercito Fascista-Repubblican La Fine si avvicina |
L |
Soldati della Divisione Littorio! (PW “F” force) |
L |
Soldiers of the 148. Infantry-Division The End is Near (2 copies) |
L |
UN12 |
Sondernummer Ostraum. (Special East German Number.) Nachrichten aus der Heimat. 30 January 1945. With a sheet of full translation. 2pp. |
L/N |
Sowjetdurchbnruch Richtung Sudeten. Rot Weiss Rot 9 February 1945. [With sheet of nearly-full translation.] |
N |
Sowjetdurchbruch nordoslich Krakau. Rot Weiss Rot. 17 January 1945. |
N |
Sowjetvorstoss in die Lausitz. Rot Weiss Rot, 21 February 1945 |
N |
Sowjetvorstoss in die Lausitz. Soldaten-Nachrichten. 21 February 1945. [With a sheet of translations of article titles as well as a few abstracts.] |
N |
Sturm uber Deutschland (Storm over Germany) Neueste Nachrichten, 9 April 1945. With: sheet of translation of the main points. |
L |
Surrender Now or Later. (translation of T95 Ubergabe Jetzt oder Spater) |
L |
AppE |
The End for You is Coming IT/16 |
L |
AppD |
Thoughts of those at home invade my mind in the dark C.P. This windy night... Leaflet picturing a soldier on guard duty, at night, in the cold, very lonely. Printed ca. Feb 1945. |
L |
T66 |
To the Poles and Luxembourgeois in the German Army! (English version, separate sheet) |
L |
To the Soldiers of the 157 Mountain Division |
L |
T94 |
Ubergabe Jetzt oder Spater. Jetzt bist du am Leben, Spater bist du Vielleicht Tot. (Separate German printing) |
L |
Un beau resultant. La revolution russe est faite! |
L |
Vase Osvobozeni se Muze Urychlit. (Your Liberation is Approaching! Both in the West and in the East the hated German enemy is being forced back ever desperate into his own country...) [With a sheet of translations.] |
L |
CS141 |
Vernichtingsschlachten im Osten/ Battles of Annihilation in the East. Luftpost Ausgabe Sud, 24 February 1945 (with map). 2pp. [With a sheet of translations of article titles as well as a few abstracts.] |
N |
Von der Oder zu den Sudeten Rot Weiss Rot. (From the Oder to the Sudeten.) 23 February 1945. 2pp. [With: sheet of translation of titles of articles and a few abstracts.] |
N |
Von der Oder zu den Sudeten Soldaten Nachrichten 28 February 1945. [With a sheet of translations of article titles as well as a few abstracts.] |
N |
Vor den Toren Hamburgs. Leipzig Gefallen. Rot Weiss Rot. 22 April 1945. |
N |
Vor Euch der Schutz von Genf (PWB 15th Army GRO) |
L |
Warning Italian Civilians in the Battle Area/Italian Civilians the Allies Warn you to Protect Yourselves...(Separate English edition) |
L |
Warnung, 23 April 1945. With a sheet of full translation. |
L |
Weekly War News—February 12 (J267) |
L |
Wer fuer die Partei sterben will, der macht weiter 8 April 1945 (2 copies) |
L |
Wer kann den Krieg verkurzen? |
L |
Westen: 315 543 in 7 Tagen ( (Frontpost Ausgabe Sud,17 April 1945) With map |
N |
Wo Sind Deine Lieben |
L |
Wo Sind Deine Lieben? (Where are your dear ones?) |
L |
G125,R |
ZZ. documents gathered (stapled) together under general propaganda interst. All are typed offset, on 12.5x8” sheets. 1. Counter propaganda against U.S. Troops. (1pp) 2. German P.O.W. Reactions to Propaganda (1pp) 3. Mittelungen fewur das Offizierkorps. (2pp) 4.The Propaganda Weapon. (3pp) 5. Official German Comments on Allied Propaganda to the Wehrmacht in the West.(3pp) |
Here's another sample of the leaflets and a post that I wrote about it:
During WWII the Allied forces engaged in extraordinary subversive and hearts-and-minds psychological warfare against the Axis military machine and its population. The mechanics of the effort undertaken by the OSS and other agencies is long and complex (and potentially confusing) and too much for getting into right here, though I did want to address one example of their work. This comes in an archive that I have here (formerly part of the "Pamphlet Collection" at the Library of Congress) and is a single-sheet newspaper leaflet printed to be dropped from planes on the enemy lines. Nachrichten aus der Heimat ("News from Home") was made to resemble, well, news from Germany that just wasn't being disseminated, like the report of Berlin under attack) and other unflattering military news that was intended to weaken the will of the soldier to fight and the civilian to support Hitler's regime. This issue, dated 17 April 1945, also carries a short notice regarding the Buchenwald concentration camp ("Kz", Konzentrationslager, one of 1000+ that were built from 1933-1945 by the Nazis) that comes six days after its liberation. Beginning in early April 1945 the camp (along with many others) was partially evacuated in an attempt to cover up the activities there, the result being many thousands of deaths due to prolonged marches and executions. On the morning of 11 April there was a revolt by some of the remaining prisoners--as stated in the published note below--who were able to seize control of the camp; elements of the 3rd Army 6th Armored arrived at the camp and liberated it later that afternoon. There were still 23,000 people at Buchenwald at that time, and the condition of the prisoners and the camp were appalling.That part however was left out of the Nachrichten report--only the revolt part of the liberation is mentioned, while the nature of the camp and its "political prisoners" was left unspoken. Why this is the case I do not know--perhaps the forces at work in crafting the propaganda thought it not-expedient to mention the horrors for teh consumption of the German soldier thinking that might play against a willing to surrender/cooperate. The story of the liberation of the camp was the main thrust of the intelligence, showing another part of the Reich collapsing and failing. The Holocaust would have to wait.
All that said the rest of the world would find out about Buchenwald right away. Edward R, Murrow was the first reporter there on the 12th, and on the 15th he reported on the radio exactly what he saw there--it is a very powerful piece of reporting. Murrow actually moves to the first person viewpoint to do most of the report--something that "the reporter" certainly would not do.
- For text of the Murrow report see: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/murrow.html and another https://www.scrapbookpages.com/Buchenwald/Liberation3.html ("If I have offended you by this rather mild account of Buchenwald, I'm not in the least sorry....")
- Murrow's radio broadcast can be heard here: https://youtu.be/1o-CUOiKCCg
A few days later Eisenhower and Patton and a host of others toured the Ohrdruf concentration camp (a sub-camp of Buchenwald)--their visit was graphically reported by the Illustrated London News on teh 28th of April--you can see the story here: https://longstreet.typepad.com/thesciencebookstore/2008/09/eisenhower-at-t.html
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