JF Ptak Science Books
Yes, the heavens are made of circles, somewhat, especially if you were observing a three-dimensional figure in two-space, where all spheres are circles. But here we're making those observations the other way 'round. In any event, these are lovely images taken from a part of the history of astronomy images here in the bookstore. But in the meantime, click away--you'll find that almost all are expandable and mine-able for design elements.
The Solar System, 1804. $95
Armillary Sphere, 1784. $75
Distribution of the Nebulae, ca. 1860. $45
The Moon, ca. 1850. $45
1855. $75
Jupiter, 1864. $45
Mars, 1864. $45
Full Moon, 1836. $45
Solar System, ca. 1820. $125
Solar System, 1823. $75
Solar System, 1808. $75
Dimension of the planets in comarison to the Sun, 1850. $45
the Moon, ca. 1810. $35
the Solar System, ca. 1825. $95
Partial eclipse of the Moon, ca. 1860. $35
Total eclipse of the Sun, ca. 1860. $50
Saturn, ca. 1870. $75
Comparative cosmologies, ca. 1760. $150