"We shall therefore borrow all our Rules for the Finishing our Proportions, from the Musicians, who are the greatest Masters of this Sort of Numbers, and from those Things wherein Nature shows herself most excellent and compleat." Leon Battista Alberti (1407-1472)
Kiesewetter, Rafael Georg. Ueber die Octave des Pyhtagoras. Ist die Mitte einer gespanniten Saite wirklich der Punkt der Octave ihres Grundklanges und die pythagoraeische Ration 1:2 eine Wahrhet? Wien, 1848. 18pp. 9x6 inches. Scarce. $125
Kiesewetter was also the owner of a Stradivari violin, which I'm thinking is unusual in the history of mathematics.
See here for Harvard's digital copy of this book. Kiesewetter is seen as the founder of musicology in Austria, who also published the substantial works Die Verdienst der Niederländer um die Tonkunst, 1829, Der Europäische Geschichte - oder unserer heutigen Musik abendländischen, 1834, and the "groundbreaking (H. von Helmholtz)Die Musik der Araber, 1842.
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